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Biographical Review: Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York
Stanton Osterhout

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[This information is from pp. 428-429 of Biographical Review Volume XXXIII: Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York (Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1899). It is in the collection of the Grems-Doolittle Library of the Schenectady County Historical Society at 920 BIO.]

Stanton Osterhout, one of the stirring farmers of Carlisle, Schoharie County, was born in this town, May 20, 1852, son of Jacob and Betsey E. (Kniskern) Osterhout. His paternal grandfather, Abraham Osterhout, a native of Holland, immigrated to New York when young, and coming from Dutchess County, this State, to West Carlisle, settled upon a tract of land containing about two hundred and fifty acres. A sturdy pioneer, he improved his land into a good farm, and he took an active part in the affairs of the Dutch Reformed church in his neighborhood. He was twice married, and by both of his wives had children. Those of his second union were: Jacob A., George, Chauncy, Sarah, and Catherine. George, who was quite active in political affairs, died in 1862, aged forty-five years. Chauncy, who was engaged in business in Cobleskill, died in 1872. Sarah is the widow of David P. Brown. Catherine, who married J. J. Brown, died in 1878.

Jacob A. Osterhout, Stanton Osterhout's father, was a lifelong resident of Carlisle. After his father's death he and one of his brothers bought the homestead. He was one of the first farmers in the town to engage in the raising of hops, which he produced quite extensively, and he also made a specialty of hay and grain. He owned about four hundred acres of land. He was prominent and influential in town and county politics, took a conspicuous part in the various conventions, but would not accept office. His religious preference was for the Dutch Reformed church. He was the father of seven children, namely Josiah; Stanton, the subject of this sketch; Wilson; Alfred; Albert; Elmira; and Melissa. Josiah died at the age of eighteen; Melissa married Daniel Mickle; Elmira married Aaron Young; Alfred is residing at the homestead; and the others are engaged in farming in this town.

Stanton Osterhout was educated in the district school. He assisted his father in farming until after his marriage, when he purchased the property known as the Young estate, which was formerly owned by his father. This farm, which originally consisted of one hundred and fifty-five acres, he has enlarged by the addition of adjoining land. He divides his time between dairy farming and the cultivation of hops. He keeps from twenty-five to thirty head of Holstein cattle, besides other blooded stock, and is a member of the American Holstein Association.

He has served as Supervisor for at least two terms, was chairman of the Committees on Printing, Town Accounts, and Equalization, and by judicious management succeeded in making a considerable reduction in public expenditures. He has served as Highway Commissioner one year, and upon the Democratic County Committee several terms. He was instrumental in establishing the Farmers' Insurance Company of Seward, Carlisle, and Cobleskill; was one of the organizers, and is director and treasurer, of the Hop Insurance Company; is local agent for the Sharon, Carlisle, and Seward Insurance companies, and for the hop company.

Mr. Osterhout married Josephine Hilsinger, daughter of William Hilsinger. They have had three children — Orson, Elva, and Emory. Elva married Homer Karher. Orson died July 11, 1891, aged twenty years and seven months.

Mr. Osterhout belongs to Cobleskill Lodge, No. 394, is vice-president of the local agricultural society, a charter member of the grange, and a member of other organizations. He attends the Dutch Reformed church, but contributes liberally toward the support of other religious denominations.

[Editorial note: This entry was not returned to the author with corrections.]

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