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Biographical Review: Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York
Charles Mann

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[This information is from pp. 427-428 of Biographical Review Volume XXXIII: Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York (Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1899). It is in the collection of the Grems-Doolittle Library of the Schenectady County Historical Society at 920 BIO.]

Charles Mann, one of the most able and progressive agriculturists of Schoharie County, owns and occupies a well-appointed farm in Fulton, not far from the village of Breakabeen. He was born in this town, November 2, 1856. He is a son of the late Almon Mann, and comes of hardy New England stock, his grandfather, Thomas Mann, having been born and bred in Vermont. From his hillside home in the Green Mountains Thomas removed to Albany County, New York, while yet a young man, and in the newer country cleared and partly improved a farm. Coming then to Schoharie County from Berne, he spent his remaining days in Fulton, living until eighty-six years old.

Almon Mann was born in Berne, N. Y., but removed with his parents to Fulton when a boy, and was there reared to man's estate. After completing his education, he worked as a farm laborer until ready to settle in life, when he bought land, which he cultivated some years. Prior to his death, however, at the age of sixty-six years, he removed to the village of Breakabeen. A consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church, he held many of the offices in that organization, and was connected with its Sunday-school. His wife, whose maiden name was Maria Chapman, is living at Breakabeen, an active woman of sixty-four years. She was born in Fulton, the daughter of Jacob Chapman. She is a sister of William W. Chapman, whose sketch may be found on another page of this volume. She has twelve children, as follows: Alice, living in Amsterdam; Jacob H., who has been School Commissioner of Schoharie nine years; Theron H.; Charles; Rose E.; Wellington; Lilly; Irving; Julia; Hattie; Josiah; and Manley B.

Charles Mann acquired his early education in Fulton and Middleburg. After leaving the parental roof he made his home with an uncle, and for three or more terms taught school, a part of the time being thus employed in Richmondville. On marrying he bought and took possession of his present farm of one hundred and fifty acres, formerly known as the Burgh farm, where he has since been profitably engaged in general farming and dairying. In the latter industry he is very successful, having a well-selected herd of Guernsey and Jersey cattle. On the estate he has made improvements of an excellent character, having brought the larger part of the land to a high state of cultivation, erected nearly all the buildings on the place, and furnished it with the latest approved modern farm machinery and implements. He has built a silo, which he considers a good investment for a dairy farmer, and he uses a separator in his dairy. Mr. Mann reads the leading journals devoted to agriculture, and he is himself a frequent contributor to the home and agricultural departments of various papers, including the New York Homestead and the Utica Press. He is an active member of the New York State Grange, in which he has served as lecturer several terms. In July, 1898, he passed the required examinations for a milk expert in Albany. In politics he is an unswerving Democrat, and has been nominated as Assessor. A valued member of the Lutheran Church of Breakabeen, he has held the position of treasurer and secretary, and for many years has been superintendent of the Sunday-school connected with it.

In 1879 Mr. Mann married Miss Bertha Terpening, who was born in Princetown, Schenectady County, daughter of Henry H. Terpening, a farmer of that town. Mr. and Mrs. Mann have four children.

[Editorial note: This entry was not returned to the author with corrections.]

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