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Baseball Advertising Trade Cards 3rd edition
Additional Sets: Single Cards without Titles

[This information is from pp. 89-100 of Baseball Advertising Trade Cards 3rd edition, copyright 2011 by Frank Keetz and is reproduced here with his permission. No part of this material may be reproduced for commercial purposes without the written consent of the author.]

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201No title (3" x 4 - 1/2"; seated nude baby with enlarged head, ball and crossed bats; multicolored; identical image to single title card "One Ball")


202No title (5" x 2 - 1/2"; 6 boys playing different games including marbles; two bats and a ball on ground, house and fence in background; multicolored)


203No title (3 - 1/4" x 5"; Stecher Lith. Co., Roch., N.Y.; batter standing over the catcher, pitcher about to throw ball; multicolored)


204No title (3 - 1/4" x 5 - 3/8"; Series B; elephant hitting ball, monkeys pitching, catching and in field; multicolored)


205No title (3" x 5"; boy, batting right or left handed, in blue and white striped suit about to swing bat; multicolored.) This card has two size variations and is also part of a Western & Southern Life Insurance Co. set of four sports.


206No title (4 - 9/16" x 2 - 3/4"; five players and umpire in game; bats and ball in lower left corner; flowers in upper left corner; "22."; multicolored)


207No title (3" x 5"; young boy with bat, left foot not in batter's box; multicolored) This image also appears in a larger size variation (5 - 1/4" x 8")


208No title (6 - 1/4" x 3 - 3/8"; pigs play baseball, scoreboard and spectators in stands to rear, company flag in center rear; two varieties, "Lily Leaf" and "Kettle Rendered", exist; multicolored)


209No title (5 - 1/2" x 7 - 1/2"; smiling young girl holding bat in right hand and about to throw ball with left hand; multicolored)


210No title (4 - 5/16" x 6 - 1/2"; well dressed young boy about to hit tiny ball in upper right corner; "B 359"; multicolored)


211No title (3 - 1/4" x 5 - 1/2"; "R 813"; two balls, a base and catcher's mask in lower right corner; cap and two bats toward upper left corner; game action image in center; multicolored)


212No title (3 - 5/16" x 6 - 1/2"; Buffords; "626"; fancy dressed girl (?) with non-baseball cap holding bat as it touches ground; multicolored) This card also appears in a smaller size variation.


213No title (2 - 3/4" x 4 - 3/16"; "H 717"; three brownies moving to their right as they carry bats; one has a ball, another has a catcher's mask; multicolored)


214No title (4 - 1/4" x 2 - 1/2"; player with a "B" biddy, watch in mid-air, a leg in air, player in rear; Boss Pat jewelry advertisement; multicolored) Other non-baseball images belong to this set.


215No title (3 - 1/16" x 1 - 3/4"; M. P. Tobin, 1881; players in action, one dog, one flag, one player hit with bat, another player on ground; multicolored)


216No title (3-3/8" x 2-1/8"; Shober & Carqueville Lith. Co., Chicago; 1886 calendar on back; batter about to hit ball, a catcher and three observers on a fence; multicolored)


217No title (6" x 9"; thin cardboard; front-photo of Babe Ruth batting; reverse — NBC advertisement for "The Story of Babe Ruth, On the Dupont Calvacade of America"; black and white). An image of this card is not available in this book. 
218No title (3 - 1/4" x 5 - 3/8"; Goodwear and Kinder-Garten advertisement; 9 children two of which are picking sides with bat…; green, red, brown; very attractive)


219No title (3" x 5"; girl makes a wreath of flowers as four boys in background play with ball and bat; multicolored)


220No title (6 - 1/2" x 4 - 1/4"; three boys dance, one looks on, picnic basket with bat, glove and balls under tree; multicolored)


221No title (5 - 7/16" x 3 - 1/2"; Monarch Catsup; batter using bottle as a bat, plate with food; multicolored)


222No title (5" x 3 - 1/16"; 16 brownies play baseball with a pea pod; part of a vegetable series the reminder of which are non-baseball images; multicolored)


223No title (4 - 1/2" x 2 - 7/8"; well dressed boy reads book as he sits next to bat and two balls; multicolored)


224No title (2 - 3/4" x 4 - 1/2"; disgruntled barefooted boy holds crying baby as baseball game can be seen through window; "81"; multicolored)


225No title (3" x 4 - 3/8"; batter awaits pitch; pitcher, catcher and third baseman of opposite team appear; on-deck batter, grandstand and distant fence can be seen; multicolored)


226No title (3 - 1/2" x 5 - 7/16"; happy boy catches ball above his head; wears a left-handed glove; mountains in background; multicolored)


227No title (3 - 1/2" x 5 - 1/2"; Japanese writing; batter and catcher wait for a pitch; both wear short pants; catcher has a "K" on shirt; multicolored)


228No title (3 - 5/8" x 4 - 1/2"; happy child stands in front of fireplace with toys including bat and ball; multicolored)


229No title (2 - 3/4" x 4 - 1/4"; ball hits a gloveless player solidly in the nose; black and white)


230No title (3 - 1/2" x 4 - 13/16"; catcher's mask and bat in upper left hand corner of card depicting four different athletic events, especially rowing; multicolored)


231No title (4 - 1/4" x 3"; two cats with bat and ball play baseball; "23"; multicolored)


232No title (3" x 5"; smiling (silly) erect player holding a yellow bat with one hand; reverse — "Imperial Crown" perfumery supplies; multicolored)


233No title (2 - 1/4" x 2 - 3/4"; angry looking gloveless adult player about to grasp a ball on ground; black and white)


234No title (2 - 5/8" x 4 - 1/4"; two boys reach for loaf of bread, bat and ball on floor; Bremner's, multicolored)


235No title (3 - 1/8" x 4"; sitting boy and girl talk to each other, boy holds bat, ball on ground; multicolored)


236No title (5 - 3/4" x 3 - 1/2"; tiny children playing baseball in front of school building; yellow and gray)


237No title (4 - 1/8" x 2 - 3/4"; bald headed old Eastern Hemisphere talking with younger Western Hemisphere; latter holds a bat, red school in background; red and black)


238No title (2 - 3/4" x 4 - 5/8"; rounded corners; golf, hunting and baseball depicted as well as sports equipment; black and white)


239No title (3 - 1/2" x 4 - 7/8"; batter, in blue and white uniform, glove and ball; green infield diamond to the rear; large ball at top center; embossed; multicolored)


240No title (2 - 1/2" x 5 - 1/2"; rounded top; uniformed boy holding a ball and a bat; "P" on uniform with Princeton colors and stripes; Enameline advertisement; part of a set; colorful)


241No title [No description provided in book; green baseball field with players and crowd in black and white]


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You are here: Home » Baseball » Baseball Advertising Trade Cards » Additional Sets: Single Cards without Titles updated January 2, 2017

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