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You are here: Home » Baseball » Baseball Advertising Trade Cards » Additional Sets: Single Cards with Titles
[This information is from pp. 70-88 of Baseball Advertising Trade Cards 3rd edition, copyright 2011 by Frank Keetz and is reproduced here with his permission. No part of this material may be reproduced for commercial purposes without the written consent of the author.]
Go back to: Contents | Index of Sets | Checklist of Sets: Set H 804-40 | ahead to: Single Cards without Titles
A Double Curve (8 - 1/4" x 3"; a pitcher and a batter, both concentrating, glare at each other; multicolored) | |
America (3 - 11/16" x 5"; McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee; little boy with red hat and baseball bat; multicolored) | |
Baseball (2 - 5/8" x 4 - 1/4"; Les Sports Modernes; batter and catcher await pitch; bat, three balls and glove in upper left corner; multicolored) | |
Base Ball and Cricket Goods (5 - 1/2" x 3 - 1/4"; high-topped spiked shoe; blue and black) | |
Base Ball and Polo Goods (5" x 3"; upright catcher and batter; advertisement for wide variety of listed athletic equipment; green and white) | |
Base Ball at our Picnic (4 - 1/4" x 3"; Gast, N.Y.; copyright 1888; four players in action, umpire in cage, spectators in rear; the only baseball image in a set of various sports; multicolored) | |
Base Ball Bank (Dark Town Battery (5 - 1/4" x 3 - 1/4"; horizontal; Gast & Co. Lith., N.Y.; No. 302; pitcher, left-handed batter and catcher; multicolored) | |
Base Ball Bank (No. 302); (3 - 3/16" x 5 - 1/2"; vertical; advertisement for coin bank with pitcher, left-handed batter and catcher; brownish sepia) | |
Base Ball Combination Room (3 - 1/8" x 4 - 5/8"; Leavenworth, Kansas advertisement; brown; National League and Players League schedules on reverse side) | |
Base Ball Outfits (2" x 3 - 1/2"; player with raised arms about to catch ball; Wright & Ditson advertisement; black and white) | |
Bases Cleaned! (2 - 3/4" x 4"; a tiny catcher and pitcher appear on a clever baseball oriented political advertisement for Hannin, Durrett…; red and white.) | |
"Casey at the Bat." (3" x 5"; American Lithographic Co.; copyright 1902; little girl with bat, ball, hat and chest protector; multicolored) A size variation card exists — 4 - 3/16" x 7". | |
Chicago Herald (2" x 5" body shaped figure; newspaper die cut; boy in baseball uniform holding a small bat; moveable three piece item; multicolored) | |
Coming Soon! National Bloomers of Boston (4" x 3 - 3/4"; three girls in red uniforms advertising a Sunday Sept. 20th game at League Park; red and olive) | |
Did It Ever Strike You (2 - 3/4" x 5 - 1/4"; ball hits black player in face; black and white; Blarney Castle on reverse side) | |
Eight Men Out (3 - 3/4" x 6 - 3/16"; movie advertisement with eight Chicago White Sox players; multicolored). | |
E. J. Hoehn's Base Ball Team (4 - 3/4" x 2 - 3/4"; ten identified uniformed players and three suited promotors; advertisement for a St. Louis men's clothing store) | |
Everybody's Rooting for (3 - 1/2" x 5 - 1/2"; well dressed lady holding a fan sits on fence; baseball game in background, multicolored) | |
"First Inning" (4" x 4"; three silhouetted players in action, two players in rear; very flowery design surround center image; multicolored) | |
Gaining His Point (3 - 5/8" x 6 - 1/8"; player with upraised arm holds bat and rule book; has Philadelphia schedule on reverse side; multicolored) | |
Gets There Just The Same (3" x 5"; red baseball flag, bowlegged catcher with attached screen between legs; multicolored) | |
Glen Burn — A Ball of Fire (baseball shape; 1 - 3/4" diameter; red with black print) | |
Gran'pa Rugg At Bat (3 - 1/2" x 5 - 1/4"; plump batter awaiting pitch; baseball hat — Maltosia Bluffs; yellow and black) | |
Great Base Ball Contest Nightly at the Hi Henry's Premium Minstrels (5 - 1/8" x 3"; Great Western Show Pr. Eng. And Litho. Co.; St. Louis, Mo.; blacks at play as umpire is hit with ball; multicolored) | |
He may yet become president. (2 - 3/4" x 4 - 3/8"; boy smoking cigarette, blue and white bat behind back; multicolored) This card is part of an otherwise non-baseball set. | |
Home Runs Unnecessary to get your Dr. Pepper (5 - 1/4" x 3 - 3/8" front; this trick card folds to double its size at 7"; the back fold has a baseball game line score; the reverse side has a man who opens his mouth; multicolored) | |
It's time for Pabst (4" x 2 - 1/4"; umpire drinking a beer as amazed batter, catcher and pitcher observe; two beer bottles, 1935; multicolored) | |
Keep The Ball Rolling (3 - 1/2" x 5 - 1/2"; card title is printed on a baseball bat; embossed attractive card; multicolored) | |
Kent Mfg. Co. (3 - 1/2" x 5 - 1/2"; ten uniformed players and three non-uniformed others pose for a team photo; black and white) | |
Major League Ball (5 - 1/4" x 3 - 1/2"; four intensely involved boys surround a game board; black and white) | |
Make a Hit (3" x 5"; batter who appears to be Honus Wagner — PBC on shirt sleeve; I. W. Harper Whiskey advertisement; darkish multicolors, thick) | |
Making A Hit (3" x 5 - 1/4"; with rounded corners; player leaning on a bat, "R" on uniform shirt; one cleated large shoe; black and white) | |
National Base Ball League Season of 1889 (7 - 3/4" x 3 - 3/8"; in shape of a money bill; front — Albert Spalding and Chicago batter; reverse — 12 head photos of players and $3 if …; black, white and orangish-brown) | |
National Chew League (3 - 1/8" x 5"; Calvert Lith. Co., Detroit, Mich.; player with ball in hand with baseball field scene in rear; a tobacco advertisement; multicolored) | |
National Game, 1875 (3 - 1/2" x 5 - 1/4"; behind third base view of baseball game in motion; underarm pitcher about to throw to batter; many players, flag pole and spectator grandstand to rear; black and white). | |
Noxall Shirts Make a … (5" x 3"; horizontal card; Geo. B. Haliday; copyright 1906; red uniformed batter, three fielders; multicolored) | |
One Ball (3" x 4 - 9/16"; seated nude baby with enlarged head, ball and crossed bats; identical image to single card #201 except for title; multicolored) | |
Phantom Base Ball (2 - 3/4" x 4 - 1/4"; twirl the image; Daddy and Jack's Joke Shop — Boston; variety of colors) | |
Play Ball! Play Ball! Make Fence!(3 - 1/2" x 4 - 1/2"; Negro team photo of early Page Fence Giants of Adrian, Michigan; black and white) | |
Read The Sporting Life (4" x 7"; Dando Print. Co., Philadelphia; copyright 1889; girl surrounded by images of various sports; multicolored) | |
Returning from the War (5 - 1/4" x 10 - 1/4"; clothing suit advertisement; two battered players, each with a bat and smoking a cigarette, shake hands; identical to former H 804-17 "Victor and Vanquished" image; light reddish color) | |
Saturday Evening Post (3 - 1/4" x 5 - 1/2"; photo of magazine delivery boy with a thank you note to customer concerning a World Series prize; black and white) | |
School Suits A Specialty (5 - 1/2" x 7 - 1/2"; woman holds sheet depicting four well dressed young men ("Our Boys") one of whom holds a bat; multicolored) | |
See the Man Catch the Ball! (5 - 1/4" x 2 - 3/4"; player about to catch a ball, large shadow in background; a trick card; color variation known to exist without a title; gray and black) | |
Slide! Don't Mind Your "Colchester" Shoes They'll Stand It. (3 - 1/4" x 6"; baseball player with bat in upper left area, also boy riding bicycle in lower right corner; multicolored) This is 1/3 of a larger 9 - 7/8" x 6" shoe advertisement panel, "three piece fold over," showing a variety of sport or work activities.) | |
Spalding's Baseball Player (3" x 5"; uneven side and top, vertical; right handed batter with "S" on uniform, two bats to rear; one card of a five card 1896 set) | |
Sporting Times. Keep Posted Buy It !!! (6 - 1/16" x 3 - 13/16"; 9 children play baseball as a dog and adults behind a fence watch; blue and white) | |
Spring and Summer Fashions 1882. (4 - 11/16" x 3 - 1/4"; 7 well-dressed children, one at bat and one about to pitch a ball; multicolored) | |
Sure Catch (3 - 1/2" x 5 - 1/2"; 14 small images concerning flies; most of the images have a baseball connotation such as "Struck Out" or "A Hot Liner"; multicolored) | |
Taking Things As They Come. (2 - 3/4" x 4 - 3/8"; copyrighted Bufford, Boston; ball hits player in face; probably 1870s from uniform; black and white.) | |
"The Brownies" Have Arrived!! (6 - 1/4" x 3 - 1/2"; Palmer Cox; four baseball images appear among 38 brownie poses; seven larger brownie images appear on reverse side; red, tan and white) | |
The Cincinnati Reds — 1919 (3 - 3/4" x 6"; team photo of the World Series championship team; black and white) | |
The Enterprising Niggers (2 - 3/4" x 3 - 1/2"; two sad negroes, one with a broken bat, other holding an injured leg, ball on ground; black and white) | |
The Haas Remedy Nine Defeats The Cholera Nine Every Time. (4 - 7/8" x 2 - 15/16"; Wm. B. Burford, Lith. Ind.; "103"; healthy pigs beating unhealthy pigs in baseball game; multicolored) This card is part of an otherwise non-baseball set. | |
The New York City Base Ball & Sportsmen's Emporium (3" x 4 - 1/4"; bearded player with bats, cleated shoes; ball on ground; Peck & Snyder ad; black and white) | |
The Three Champions, Billiards, Base Ball & Croquet (3 - 1/4" x 5 - 1/4"; three toga clad women each holding a billiard cue, a baseball bat or a croquet mallet; very ornate; multicolored) | |
The World Champion Athletics of 1929 (9 - 1/4" x 10 - 1/4"; 21 player head photos; "Compliments of Nu-Grape and Nu Icy of Atlanta, Ga."; black and white) An image of this card is not available in this book. | |
"Waist Ball." (3 - 1/4" x 5 - 1/4"; four foolishly dressed players in action, girl at bat with broom, catcher with caged head for protection and infielder with Chinese hat; tin pan for home plate, whisky jug and gun on ground; rural background; multicolored) | |
Wanted, A Pin (3 - 1/2" x 5"; four boys, one with a bat and catcher's mask; another boy has ripped his pants; multicolored) | |
We Lead But Never Follow (3" x 4 - 1/2"; charging elephant swings a baseball bat having panicked three small men; "136" in lower left corner; gray and off white) | |
We "STRIKE" for Business & "CATCH" the Trade (4 - 11/16" x 5 - 1/2"; batter, ball and catcher; Sage & Co., red and two shades of gray; embossed) | |
You would be a great card in a dime museum. (4" x 6"; player with gloved hands about to catch ball; red and blue) |
Go to top of page | back to: Contents | Index of Sets | Checklist of Sets: Set H 804-40 | ahead to: Single Cards without Titles
You are here: Home » Baseball » Baseball Advertising Trade Cards » Additional Sets: Single Cards with Titles updated January 2, 2017
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