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Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs:
Historical Appendix: Progenitors A

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Progenitors: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Y

[This information is from Vol. IV, p. xiv of Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, edited by Cuyler Reynolds (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1911). It is in the Reference collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at R 929.1 R45. Some of the formatting of the original, especially in lists of descendants, may have been altered slightly for ease of reading.]


Stoffel Janse, born about 1623, was master carpenter at Beverwyck in 1653; married Neeltje Janse Croon, and their son, Johannes, born in 1667, was the 2nd Mayor of Albany, Oct. 14, 1694 - Oct. 14, 1695, and 1709-1710.


Gysbert, came from Bunnick, near Utrecht, sailing on "den Calmer Sleutel," from the Texel, Holland, December, 1637; aged 22 years; began service as farm servant at Rensselaerswyck, Apr. 2, 1638, for Brant Peelen. Jacob Adriaensen, from Utrecht, was at Beverwyck, from 1639 to 1657. Marinus Adriaensen, from Veere, Province of Zealand, arrived on the Unity, which sailed from the Texel shortly after July 7, 1631, under contract with Patroon Kiliaen Van Rensselaer as a tobacco-planter for three years; in 1632 was made schepen there; is termed "a noted freebooter" in Pearson's. Rutger Adriaensen, brother of Gysbert, came from Bunnick; tailor, employed by Jan Michielsen, and while the V. R.-Bowier Documents state there was no record of him in Rensselaerswyck after October, 1651. Pearson states he held a patent for a lot there in 1652.


Rutger, owned a house on north side of State st., bet. Broadway and James st., Beverwyck, in 1674. Wouter Aertse (van Nieukerck) was sashmaker and a soldier in the Dutch West India Co. employ; bought a lot on west corner of Broadway and Van Tromp st., Beverwyck, in 1678. Jacob Aertse married Sarah Pels, and their child, Jacob, was baptized in Beverwyck, Feb. 20, 1695.


Elbert (or Albertsen), came from Nykerck, Gelderland, sailing on "den Calmer Sleutel" from the Texel, Holland, December, 1637; aged 18 years; weaver; settled in Beverwyck. Frans Albertsen came on "den Harinck" (the Herring), arriving at New Amsterdam, March 28, 1638; cooper; recorded at Rensselaerswyck Apr. 27, 1638; removed later to New Amsterdam. Hendrick Albertsen came from Doesburch, Gelderland; recorded at Rensselaerswyck Apr. 2, 1641; aged 28 years; baker; contracted with the Patroon as ferry-master, June 7, 1642; died in 1649.


Arent (van Frederickstadt), came to Rensselaerswyck in 1636; was possibly the same person as Arent Andriesen Bratt. Jan Andriesen came from Dublin; Pearson says was in Rensselaerswyck before 1645; the V. R.-Bowier Documents show he was there by 1648; leased farm north of Stony Point (near Albany), Sept. 1, 1649; removed to Catskill, 1656, where he bought 69 morgens of land from Pieter Bronck; was complained of by Hans de Vos, in 1657, for selling brandy to Indians there, and died in 1664. Pieter Andriesen was mentioned in Rensselaerswyck records as having the alias "Soogemackelyck" and also "Pieter Macklick"; tavern-keeper; ordered sent to New Amsterdam in 1656, for not paying the excise.


Egbert, had a child, Barent, born in Beverwyck, May 10, 1684.


Jan Louwrensen, also known as Jan Louwrensen, first recorded at Rensselaerswyck, Oct. 12, 1648. Adriaen Janse Appel came from Leyden, Holland; received patent for lot in Rensselaerswyck in 1654, and was schoolmaster.


John (or Appleton), was born in Leicester, Eng., and married Annetje Casparus at Albany, October 11, 1701.


Doctor, was in Albany in 1665.


Gerrit, had a son, Arien, baptized at Beverwyck, Sept. 9, 1683.

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