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Biographical Review: Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York
Kirby Wilber

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[This information is from pp. 76-77 of Biographical Review Volume XXXIII: Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York (Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1899). It is in the collection of the Grems-Doolittle Library of the Schenectady County Historical Society at 920 BIO.]

Kirby Wilber, an enterprising merchant of Quaker Street, Duanesburg, Schenectady County, N. Y., was born in this town, September 25, 1820, son of Kirby and Mercy (Allen) Wilber. He attended school until fourteen years old, when he entered the employ of Job Cleveland as a store clerk, and remained with him two years. After a short time spent in a store at Schenectady he returned, and for the next three years worked for James E. O'Neil. In 1840 he went to Brainard [i.e., Brainard's] Bridge, Rensselaer County, where he clerked in a general store conducted by Hastings & Smith, cloth manufacturers, for eight years, at the end of which time he purchased the stock, and for the succeeding five years carried on business in company with his brother, E. G. Wilber. Selling out his interest in 1853, he returned once more to Duanesburg; and, associating himself with his brothers in a shoe manufactory in the locality known as Quaker Street, he was for the next few years engaged in selling their products on the road. This business was started in 1845 by R. P. U. Wilber, who began making shoes for the retail trade; but five years later he established a manufactory to supply the wholesale dealers only, and continued in business until his death, which occurred in 1854. The present store of Wilber & Co. was opened in 186o, and carried on in connection with the factory until 1867, when the firm was dissolved. The business was conducted by Kirby, E. G., and Charles C. Wilber until 1874, since which time Kirby and his son Charles C. have been sole proprietors of the mercantile establishment, consisting of a well-stocked general store having a large patronage. The senior partner is one of the oldest business men of this section in point of experience, and through his ability, integrity, and other commendable characteristics he has acquired success. Aside from his mercantile business he deals quite extensively in real estate. His own residence is one of the handsomest in town.

Mr. Wilber contracted the first of his two marriages in 1843, with Lucy Ann Crego, of Chatham, Columbia County. She died in 1877, and in 1880 he married Mrs. Phoebe J. Auchampaugh, born Stevens, a native of Wright, Schoharie County. He is the father of five children, all by his first wife, namely: Ellen M., who married the Rev. Milton Tator, and died at the age of fifty-one years; Emily W., wife of Arthur D. Mead, of Schoharie; Augusta A., wife of Charles E. Hoag, of Quaker Street; Adeline C., wife of Walter Briggs, of Schenectady; and Charles C. Wilber, who is in business with his father. Mr. Wilber has ten grandchildren. In politics he is a Democrat. He is a member of the Christian church.

Charles C. Wilber was born at Brainard's Bridge, May 30, 1847, and was educated in the schools of Duanesburg. Like his father he entered mercantile pursuits when fourteen years old, and is an excellent business man. He acts with the Democratic party in politics, and served with ability as Postmaster for three years. On December 21, 1870, he married Emily Moon, who was born in this town in September, 1847, daughter of John and Emily Moon. She is the mother of one son, Archie M. Wilber, who was born March 13, 1880.

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