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Biographical Review: Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York
Peter I. Stanley, M. D.

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[This information is from pp. 280-283 of Biographical Review Volume XXXIII: Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York (Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1899). It is in the collection of the Grems-Doolittle Library of the Schenectady County Historical Society at 920 BIO.]

Portrait of Peter I. Stanley, M. D.

Portrait: Peter I. Stanley, M. D.

[View enlarged]

Peter I. Stanley, M. D., an able physician and a highly esteemed citizen of Windham, Greene County, N. Y., was born in Harpersfield, Delaware County, this State, on August 11, 1825, son of Nathan and Pamelia (Hogaboom) Stanley. His grandfather, Richard Stanley, came to New York State from New Jersey during the Revolutionary War, being among the farming population of that colony who were so harassed by the Hessian troops brought over to re-enforce the British army that they abandoned their homes.

Richard Stanley, settling in the wilderness, cleared a farm in what is now the town of Gilboa, Schoharie County, where he resided for a number of years. His last days were spent in Harpersfield. He was the father of three children. Information at hand does not locate for a certainty the birthplace of his son Nathan, the Doctor's father, but he was probably reared in Schoharie County. He served as a soldier in the War of 1812.

Nathan Stanley accompanied his father to Harpersfield, and, succeeding to the ownership of the homestead, he resided there for the rest of his life. His wife, Pamelia Hogaboom, was a native of Prattsville, Greene County. She became the mother of fourteen children, Only three of whom are living, namely: John L., who is residing in Kansas; Peter I., the subject of this sketch; and Jane, who married William Sampson. The parents both lived to be seventy-eight years old. They were originally Presbyterians, but in their later years attended the Methodist Episcopal church.

Peter I. Stanley acquired his early education in the district schools and at the Stamford Academy. He remained upon the home farm until he was twenty-one, when he went to work in a woollen factory, and continued in that employment one year. Deciding to enter professional life, he began the study of medicine at the age of twenty-two with Dr. Covel, of Stamford, and completed his preparations at the Albany Medical College, from which he was graduated in 1853. Locating in Ashland, he resided there for sixteen years; and, as he was the only physician in the town, he was kept constantly busy in attending to a large and lucrative practice, which extended over a wide circuit. At the earnest solicitation of the people of Windham he in 1869 removed to this town, where he has ever since found an ample field in which to demonstrate his ability and usefulness; and it may be truthfully said that the entire community has profited by his fidelity, promptitude, and skill. He has reported many interesting cases to the County Medical Society, of which he has been a member ever since its organization, some forty years ago; and he has several times been called upon to serve as its president. As his physical powers remain unimpaired, he still continues to take long rides; and the inhabitants of all this locality consider themselves fortunate in being able to reap the benefits arising from his long experience as a practitioner.

In 1853 Dr. Stanley was united in marriage with Sarah Bassett, a native of Harpersfield and a daughter of Joshua Bassett, a prosperous farmer of that town. Dr. and Mrs. Stanley have had ten children, five of whom are living; namely, Ella M., Ada E., Josephine A., Nathan Wilmot, and Sarah Kathleen. Ella M. married J. C. Talmadge, a lawyer of Catskill, and has two children — Leone S. and N. Edna. Ada E. married Edgar C. Moon, a printer in New York City, and has two children — Vernon S. and Lena A. Josephine A. is the wife of Lawyer Mellen, a boot and shoe dealer in Windham, and has three children — Stanley H., Edith A., and Sheridan Wilmot. Nathan Wilmot Stanley is a civil engineer employed in the department of public works in New York City. Sarah Kathleen Stanley is an artist of local repute, her talent, which is of a high order, having been cultivated under competent instructors in New York. Of the other children one died in infancy; Belle and Charles died while young; Vernon C. died at the age of twenty-two years, while pursuing his medical studies; and William Sheridan, who was a hardware merchant in Cairo, N. Y., died at the age of thirty-one years. The latter was also an artist of ability both with the brush and needle. Among the dearly-prized products of this genius is a piece of work five feet long and three feet wide, executed from an original design, and representing a deer in the forest on its way to drink. Another, which is a painting representing two admirably drawn dogs of different sizes, called "David and Goliath," has received favorable comment from artists of note.

Politically, Dr. Stanley is a Republican. He was a member of the Ashland Board of Supervisors in 1860, has served as Town Clerk in Ashland for two years and as Coroner for the same length of time. He is a Chapter Mason, and formerly belonged to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. For the past twenty-five years he has been a Pension Examiner.

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