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Biographical Review: Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York
Oscar H. Shannon

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[This information is from pp. 435-436 of Biographical Review Volume XXXIII: Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York (Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1899). It is in the collection of the Grems-Doolittle Library of the Schenectady County Historical Society at 920 BIO.]

Oscar H. Shannon, a Civil War veteran, was born in Schenectady, where he now resides, August 29, 1848, son of Thomas T. and Lucy C. (Geer) Shannon. The father was a native of Glenville, N. Y. His great-grandfather Shannon, and his great-grandfather Tull served in the Continental army during the Revolutionary War.

Having completed his education, Oscar H. Shannon at the age of fifteen enlisted in the Seventy-seventh Regiment, New York Volunteers, with which he served until the close of the Rebellion, and participated in the siege of Petersburg. After his discharge he went to sea as engineer's storekeeper on the steamship "Henry Chauncy," and was absent about one year, during which time he visited South America. Upon his return to Schenectady he served an apprenticeship at the tinsmith's trade, which he followed as a journeyman previous to opening an establishment on his own account, and he subsequently carried on a successful business for about fifteen years. Joining the National Guard, he served for some time as Lieutenant in a company of the Eighty-third Regiment, and assisted in organizing two other companies, one of which, the Washburn Continentals, formerly the Stanford Hose Company, withdrew in a body from the Schenectady Fire Department to become the Stanford Cadets. He was promoted from the rank of First Lieutenant to that of Captain of the company, and its present name was suggested by him. The Washburn Continentals were mustered into the National Guard during the war with Spain as Company F, Second Regiment. He was also one of the principal organizers of a company composed entirely of Civil War veterans, which flourished for a time as originally made up; but the veterans were compelled by old age to withdraw one by one, and their places were filled by young recruits. This company, of which he was First Lieutenant for five years, was mustered into service during the late war as Company E, Second Regiment.

Mr. Shannon married Mary A. Langdon, of Schenectady, daughter of John Langdon. He has one daughter, Bernice L., who is now the wife of Andrew T. Branion, of New York City.

Mr. Shannon belongs to St. Paul's Lodge, No. 17, I. O. O. F., and is a Past Commander of Horsfall Post, No. 90, G. A. R. In 1871 he joined Julian Lodge, Knights of Pythias, which was afterward disbanded, but prior to the surrender of its charter he withdrew for the purpose of organizing the Mohawk Valley Lodge at Fort Plain, and was its first Chancellor. He was representative to the Grand Lodge in 1897, and was Deputy Grand Chancellor. He organized Loyal Lodge, No. 384, in 1896; was formerly Chief of Staff of the New York Brigade, Uniform Rank, with the rank of Colonel; received his Grand Lodge degrees during the present year; and was appointed assistant organizer of the Endowment Rank by Past Grand Chancellor and Supreme Representative William Ledew, his jurisdiction covering the entire State of New York outside of the metropolis. Mr. Shannon is now a member of Schenectady Lodge, to which he was admitted by card.

[Editorial note: This entry was not returned to the author with corrections.]

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