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Biographical Review: Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York
Albert G. Rosekraus, Esq.

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[This information is from pp. 338, 341 of Biographical Review Volume XXXIII: Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York (Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1899). It is in the collection of the Grems-Doolittle Library of the Schenectady County Historical Society at 920 BIO.]

Albert G. Rosekraus, Esq., a general merchant in Fulton, Schoharie County, was born May 5, 1837, in Berne, Albany County, a son of Holmes Rosekraus, M. D. His paternal grandfather, Henry Rosekraus, removed from Westerlo, N. Y., to Wright, Schoharie County, when in the prime of a vigorous manhood, and from that time until his death, at the age of fourscore years, was engaged as a tiller of the soil. His wife, whose maiden name was Holmes, also lived to be eighty years old, and dying left five children; namely, Holmes, Frederick, Henry, Phebe Flansburgh, and Mrs. Hungerford.

Holmes Rosekraus received his elementary education in the common schools of Albany County, and after reading medicine for a time with competent instructors, entered the Albany Medical College, from which he was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Locating at once in Berne, Albany County, he built up a very large practice in that town and vicinity, and became one of its most successful and favorably known physicians. After an active practice of thirty years, he passed to the higher life, at the age of fifty-four. He was deeply interested in local affairs, and served a number of years as Town Superintendent. He was a regular attendant of the Baptist church, of which his wife was a consistent member. He married Melinda Weidman, one of the three children of Jacob Weidman, a prominent farmer of Berne. Twelve children were born of this union, and six of them survive, namely Jacob; Albert, the special subject of this sketch; James, a professor of music, and a minister; Thomas; Washington; and Elizabeth. All of the children are gifted with exceptional musical talent, and all but two are quite noted throughout Schoharie County. The mother died at the age of seventy-five years.

Albert Rosekraus attended the public schools of Berne until ten years old, and then came to Middleburg, in this county, where he continued his studies at the high school and academy, and also worked for a while as a clerk. Going then to Albany, he served an apprenticeship of two years and a half at the printer's trade; but, not liking it well enough to continue it, he returned to Middleburg, where he was subsequently employed as a clerk ten years. Coming in 1864 to Fulton, he bought an interest in his present store, and in partnership with Charles Watson carried on an extensive business for three years. The partnership being then dissolved, he returned to Middleburg, where for the ensuing three years he was engaged in mercantile pursuits in the store occupying the present site of Wellington Bassler's establishment. Disposing of his property there, Mr. Rosekraus then bought his present store in Fulton, and has since carried on a very large and successful business as a general merchant.

In politics he is prominently identified with the Democratic party, which he has served three years as one of the Democratic County Committee. He has been Justice of the Peace sixteen years, an office which he still holds, his present term not expiring until 1900. He has been Town Clerk two terms, and on three occasions has received the nomination for County Clerk. He was one of the promoters of the Fulton Valley Telephone Company, of which he has been a stockholder and a director several years. Fraternally, he is a member of Middleburg Lodge, No. 663, F. & A. M., which he assisted in organizing, and he was for some years the chorister. He belongs to the Reformed church. He has served a number of years as a Deacon of the church, and he was for a long time the organist and chorister. He has also been actively identified with its Sunday-school as a teacher and superintendent and as the leader of singing.

In October, 1858, Mr. Rosekraus married Margaret Zeh, daughter of Joseph Zeh, a well-known farmer and an old and respected resident of Seward. She died at the age of threescore years, leaving three children, namely Pauline, a teacher in Fulton; Dora, who was also a teacher for some years, and now is the wife of J. Brewster, a farmer in Seward; and Ida, who is the wife of Edwin Lawyer, and has one child, Albert. After the death of his first wife, Mr. Rosekraus married Mary Follett, daughter of John Follett, a cooper, of Fulton, their union being solemnized in October, 1897.

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