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Biographical Review: Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York
Charles K. Frazier, M. D.

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[This information is from pp. 432-433 of Biographical Review Volume XXXIII: Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York (Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1899). It is in the collection of the Grems-Doolittle Library of the Schenectady County Historical Society at 920 BIO.]

Charles K. Frazier, M. D., an able and progressive physician of Cobleskill, Schoharie County, was born in this town, October 17, 1850. He is the son of the late Dr. David Frazier, who was here engaged in the practice of medicine for forty-seven consecutive years. His great-grandfather Frazier came to Cobleskill from Germany in 1776, being one of the early settlers of this part of the county. He was here engaged as a tiller of the soil the remainder of his days, and here his son John, the father of the elder Doctor, was. born and reared. John Frazier was born in that part of Cobleskill that is now known as Richmondville, and, having succeeded to the occupation of his father, he was engaged in agricultural pursuits throughout the active period of his life of seventy-eight years.

David Frazier obtained his elementary education in the common schools of this town, and was graduated from the Schoharie and Albany Medical Schools. Settling in Cobleskill, he practised his profession with unusual success, having an extensive patronage, and being by far the best-known physician within a radius of twenty miles. He was very influential in local affairs, and besides being one of the members of the first Board of Town Trustees, a position which he filled several years, and Supervisor of the town three terms, he was superintendent of schools a number of years, and also Coroner. In politics he was true to the principles in which he was reared, and zealously supported the Democratic party. He died in 1894, aged seventy-five years. His wife, Susanna Jenkins, was born and educated in Dover, England, from whence she came with her parents to New York State when a girl. She died September 25, 1897, aged eighty-three years, leaving three children, namely: Elizabeth; Charles K., the special subject of this sketch; and Frances, wife of the Rev. George Muller. Both parents were members of the Lutheran church.

Charles K. Frazier received his early education in the public schools of Cobleskill, and after taking a course of study at the Albany Academy he read medicine a while with his father and with Dr. Annsby, of Albany. He was graduated from the Albany Medical College in 1873, and spent his first year of practice in Albany. He subsequently practised two years each in Waverly, Tioga County, N. Y., and Big Flats, Chemung County, not far from Elmira. In 1878 he returned to Cobleskill, and in the time that has since intervened he has built up a large and lucrative practice.

He is a sound Democrat, and was formerly quite active in political circles and a regular attendant of primaries andd local conventions. In 1877 he was a delegate to the State convention that nominated Horatio Seymour for governor, and which, on Seymour's refusal of the proffered chair, reconvened at Saratoga, and nominated Robinson, the successful candidate. He has served as Town Clerk, and, having been appointed Coroner to fill out an unexpired term by his old-time friend, Governor David B. Hill, he has since held the position, having been re-elected for a term of four years in 1891 and again re-elected for another term in 1895. He is a member of the Schoharie Medical Society, and since 1895 has been its president.

In 1874 Dr. Frazier married Miss Rosalia L. Camp, daughter of Nathan Camp, a prominent citizen of Campville, Tioga County, where he still resides. Dr. and Mrs. Frazier have one child, Nellie.

[Editorial note: This entry was not returned to the author with corrections.]

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