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Biographical Review: Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York
Dow Beekman

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[This information is from pp. 89-90 of Biographical Review Volume XXXIII: Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York (Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1899). It is in the collection of the Grems-Doolittle Library of the Schenectady County Historical Society at 920 BIO.]

Dow Beekman, of Middleburg, one of the leading lawyers and business men of Schoharie County, was born in this town, February 8, 1862, son of Duryea and Elizabeth (Richtmyer) Beekman. He comes of an old Schoharie County family, and a fuller account of his ancestors may be found in connection with the sketch of his father, Duryea Beekman, on the preceding page of this volume.

After the usual common-school course Dow Beekman prepared for college at Hartwick Seminary, Otsego County. He then entered Union College, at which he was graduated in 1884, having taken four of the most important prizes in the course. From September, 1884, until June, 1886, he was professor of mathematics at Union Classical Institute, Schenectady, N. Y., and during the same period he devoted his spare time to the study of law in the office of Judge Samuel W. Jackson, of that city. In September, 1886, he was admitted to the bar at Saratoga, and immediately began the practice of his profession in Middleburg. Since then he has built up what is probably the largest law business in this part of the county. In 1889 he was elected District Attorney of Schoharie County, receiving a majority of one thousand eight hundred votes, and during his term of office he never presented an indictment that was set aside or quashed. He has been attorney and counsel in many important cases, is attorney for the Middleburg & Schoharie Railroad Company, for the Davenport, Middleburg & Durham Railroad, and also for the corporation of the village of Middleburg. He is the possessor of an unusually extensive library.

Mr. Beekman is also a man of practical business ability. He is a director of the Middleburg & Schoharie Railroad Company, attorney and treasurer of the Merchants' and Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and a director and secretary of the Middleburg Telephone Exchange Company. A Democrat in politics, he is secretary of the Democratic County Committee, and has delivered many addresses in different parts of the State in every Presidential campaign since he became a voter, having on several occasions been sent out by the Democratic State Committee. He has also delivered addresses on subjects foreign to politics, and his ability as a speaker has been frequently recognized by the press.

Mr. Beekman has been Master of Middleburg Lodge, No. 663, F. & A. M., for four years. In 1896 he served as District Deputy Grand Master of the Eleventh Masonic District, which comprises Delaware, Schoharie, and Greene Counties. He is now District Deputy Grand Master of the Eighteenth District, comprising Schoharie and Otsego Counties. He is a member of John L. Lewis Chapter, R. A. M. He has also been District Deputy Grand Sachem of the Improved Order of Red Men, and belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

On June 9, 1891, Mr. Beekman married Miss Laura Frisbie, daughter of Grandison N. Frisbie, of Middleburg. Two children have blessed their union — Marjorie Elizabeth and Douw Frisbie.

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