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Biographical Review: Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York
Andrew G. Baldwin

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[This information is from pp. 53-54 of Biographical Review Volume XXXIII: Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York (Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1899). It is in the collection of the Grems-Doolittle Library of the Schenectady County Historical Society at 920 BIO.]

Andrew G. Baldwin, proprietor of one of the best dairy farms in Gilboa, N. Y., was born in Greenville, Greene County, this State, December 11, 1827, son of Harvey and Eliza (Boyd) Baldwin. His father was born in Woodbury, Conn., September 7, 1799, and his mother was born in Greenville, March 17, 1800. His paternal grandfather, Andrew Baldwin, who was a native of Connecticut, and lived there a number of years after marrying, removed with his family to Greenville, and later from there to Mount Morris, N. Y., where he died. He was an industrious farmer. He had six children, namely: Deborah, who never married; Nancy, who was the wife of Judge Reuben Hine, of New York City; Harvey; Andrew, who died while young; Hannah, who married James Conkey, of Mount Morris; and Harriet, who harried William Barnes, of Monmouth, Ill.

Harvey Baldwin, father of Andrew G., was fourteen years old when his parents settled in Greenville. He remained there until 1837, when he removed to a farm in Conesville, Schoharie County, where his death occurred on December 14, 1849. He was the father of five children, two of whom are living, namely Andrew G., the subject of this sketch; and William L. Baldwin, a lawyer of Breakabeen and ex-district attorney. The others were Ann Jane, wife of the late Dr. L. R. Mackey, of Catskill, N. Y.; John H., M. D., who died in Olive City, Ulster County, N. Y., in 1889; and James Harvey, who died at the age of ten years. The mother died September 7, 1857.

Andrew G. Baldwin acquired his education in the schools of Greenville and Conesville. He aided in carrying on the home farm until his father's death, and continued to reside in Conesville for five or six years' afterward. Coming to Gilboa in 1855, he was engaged in mercantile pursuits until 1861, when he purchased a farm, on which he lived about three years. For the past thirty-four years he has occupied a residence in the village, but still manages his agricultural property, which consists of two farms, one containing one hundred and ninety-seven acres and the other one hundred and twenty-three acres. With the aid of hired assistants he carries on general farming and dairying. He has dealt somewhat extensively in cattle, and at one time handled Canadian horses.

For more than thirty years Mr. Baldwin has served as a justice of the Peace, and in that capacity he transacts most of the minor legal business in this vicinity. During his four years upon the Board of Supervisors he was chairman of the legislation and printing committees, and was a member of the committee on accounts of County Treasurer. He has also held other offices. He was always strongly opposed to slavery. His first Presidential vote was cast for the Whig candidate in 1852. His allegiance to the Republican party dates from its formation, when he assisted in perfecting the local organization. He has served upon various committees, and has missed but one town election since becoming a voter.

Mr. Baldwin married Charlotte E. Stryker, daughter of Peter B. Stryker, who came with his parents from New Jersey in 1785, the Stryker family being the very first to settle in this section. Mrs. Baldwin's grandfather came from Holland. Her father was quite active in public affairs, and prominently identified with the Dutch Reformed church. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin have had five children, namely: Carrie E., who married William Hagarton, M. D., for twenty-four years a well-known physician of Gilboa; Minnie E., who married Henry Carpenter, and is no longer living; George S., M. D., who is now practising in New York City; Lewis C., a dentist, who also practises in the metropolis; and Grace A., who is studying music.

Mr. Baldwin joined the Dutch Reformed church in 1865, and during his period of membership has served as Elder, Deacon, treasurer, and superintendent of the Sunday-school.

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