Many factors contributed to the decline which downtown Schenectady and other American cities experienced during the second half of this century — population shifts, out-migration of retailing to suburban shopping centers, corporate relocation to suburban office parks, the industrial migration from northern states to the sun belt, civil unrest and rising crime rates, and other factors. Nationwide, the concerted efforts of public and private sector leaders have been necessary to turn this situation around in order to strengthen the central business district which is so necessary for a strong regional economy.
Now, downtowns are coming back in many American cities in response to aggressive revitalization efforts in support of realistic downtown plans. In most instances this is being accomplished through innovative public/private ventures and the pursuit of new markets, rather than trying to replicate the central business district of the past. With falling crime rates, new confidence in old cities, and a sustained period of national economic prosperity, the time is right for downtown revitalization in Schenectady.
The City of Schenectady recognized the need for a comprehensive revitalization program for downtown Schenectady and retained the team of Hunter Interests Inc., Sasaki Associates, Synthesis Architects, and O. R. George & Associates to prepare a downtown master plan. The purpose of the plan is to assist public and private sector leadership in addressing the shifting downtown economy and its role in the community while establishing a realistic program for coordinated shortterm action within the context of a feasible long-term framework plan. This report presents that action program and framework plan.
Counterbalancing some of the negative trends that downtowns have experienced nationwide, downtown Schenectady has and will continue to benefit significantly from the following:
- A resurgence of cultural arts activities downtown.
- Continued commitment from the State, both in regard to the placement of State agencies downtown and the recognition of the importance of the urban core of New York's cities to the health of the overall economy.
- The commitment of major corporate entities and institutions, such as The Golub Corporation, MVP, Schenectady International, and Union College, to the revitalization of downtown.
- The formation of the Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority to provide funding sources to maximize the usage of the existing infrastructure of downtown Schenectady.
It is evident that downtown Schenectady has many strengths that are the envy of other American communities. Many communities that have sprung up as a result of urban sprawl are desperately trying to create the sense of place and identity that downtown Schenectady has historically enjoyed. It is essential that this identity be preserved and restored.
Because of Schenectady's numerous assets and its sustained leadership commitment, the Hunter/Sasaki team is optimistic about the future of downtown. The strategy presented in Section V of this report will induce tangible, visible improvement in downtown Schenectady during the next one to five years. In turn, "early winners" will generate renewed confidence and spur further improvement initiatives during the following 5 to 10 years.
A true urban center is the focus of community life and should include a concentration of cultural, social, and business activities. It is a common element in the lives of all residents-a place defining the character and image of the community. Downtown Schenectady has the potential to evolve into the livable urban center that offers an environment that is "genuine," with a diverse array of activities and reasons to be downtown including to live, be entertained, shop, dine, be educated, work, and, most importantly, to interact socially with a diverse array of people and cultures.
The goals that have been established throughout the community improvement process to date are as follows:
- Reinforce the vision of Schenectady as an affordable urban community with an eclectic mix of uses.
- Build new development projects around, and incorporate them into, the civic and architectural history of the City.
- Support the expansion of uses related to arts and entertainment. The arts and entertainment are central to the civic vitality of Schenectady.
- Improve the sense of community downtown; new and improved urban housing will be essential to do so.
- Promote visitation, which includes the attraction of residents from within the Capital Region.
- Activate first floors of buildings along key streets to reinforce the pedestrian nature of downtown.
- Minimize the impact of automobiles and buses.
- Create a fabric that includes pedestrian corridors, open spaces, buildings, and streets to knit the city together.
- Be progressive and promote diversity. Be tolerant of eclectic developments that do not compromise the quality of life in downtown.
- Position Schenectady as a "brand" for young adult consumers. Young adult consumers should be considered the future of the downtown because of their demographic strength, purchasing power, entertainment orientation, nostalgia for things past, and the fact that older consumers follow their fashion and behavioral patterns. The Schenectady brand should create a retro mystique among post-baby boomers by promoting the history of Schenectady in a fun way.
The study area comprises approximately 305 acres of land within the core of the downtown as shown in Figure 1. This includes approximately 700 legally described properties on the tax maps for the City of Schenectady. This includes approximately 500 buildings.
The formal boundaries of the study are the streets listed below. However, it should be noted that the strategic plan recognizes and addresses influences and issues that are beyond these boundaries.
- Union Street on the north
- Nott Terrace/Veeder Avenue/Millard Street/Broadway on the east
- Interstate 890 on the south
- Washington Street on the west
The master plan provides a sound template for the future well being and economic health of Schenectady for the majority of the population and for use by visitors to the area. However, if part of the city is in decline, the city as a whole suffers. A future study is required to examine the needs of Hamilton Hill and Vale Park neighborhoods which fell beyond the scope of this study. Such essential issues as the expansion of home ownership programs, the creation of new educational and job training opportunities, the establishment of business incubators, the incorporation of services and jobs within walking distance of residents, the improvement of the match between public transportation and resident requirements, and beautification of the neighborhoods should be properly addressed in a separate study and plan.