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A History of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch and English Times
7: Adult Freeholders — Barent Vrooman

Prof. Jonathan Pearson

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[This information is from pp. 218-220 of A History of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch and English Times; being contributions toward a history of the lower Mohawk Valley by Jonathan Pearson, A. M. and others, edited by J. W. MacMurray, A. M., U. S. A. (Albany, NY: J. Munsell's Sons, Printers, 1883). It is in the Schenectady Collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 974.744 P36, and copies are also available for borrowing.]

[The original version uses assorted typographical symbols to represent footnotes. To improve legibility, the online version uses the form (page number - note number.)]

Barent, son of Adam Vrooman, married Tryntje, daughter of Takel Heemstraat of Albany, June 18, 1699. He died and was buried in Albany, Aug. 14, 1746. (?)

His village lot on the north corner of State and Centre streets had a front on the former street of 86 feet and extended in the rear to Liberty street. It was afterwards owned by Maj. Abraham Swits, now by Mr. Charles Stanford.

Jan. 2, 1705/6 the trustees of the town conveyed to him "a piece of wood land at Schenectady adjoining on the east side of the woodland of Adam Vrooman, on the north side of the cross way [Union street], on the south side of the waggon way that leads to the bridge called Symon Groot's bridge (219-1) [Green & Pine streets], on the west of the highway that comes out from the lot of the said Barent Vrooman & the lot of Barent Wemp (219-2) [Centre street], containing in length on the west side along ye fence of ye said Adam Vrooman's woodland 48 rods, and on the east side the like breadth, on ye north end 37 rods 10 ft. and on the south end at the said Crossway [Union street] 20 rods 3 ft. Rynland measure;" — consideration 9 pounds [$22.50]" (219-3) This parcel of woodland bounded by Union, Centre and Green streets and the New York Central railroad nearly, and containing about 4.64 acres was sold for $22.50 or about $4.84 per acre.

In Feb. 1705/6 the trustees of the town sold to him another parcel of land described as "a piece woodland on ye east side of ye common highway that leads betwixt the lot of Barent Vrooman and lot of Barent Wemp towards Symond Groots bridge [Centre and Pine Streets], which piece lies opposite to ye pasture land of ye said Barent Vrooman and contains ye same breadth of ye pasture, being 48 rods and holding that same breadth eastward along the north side of the highway that leads from Schenectady to Niskayuna [Union street], till it takes in the quantity of four morgens, or 8 acres. (219-4) The consideration for these eight acres was 15 pounds or $37.50 being $4.68 per acre. This parcel extended from Centre street to a point 152 feet easterly from Fonda street having a front on Union Street of about 618 feet, and in the rear to Pine street.

In 1744 he bought of the town seven morgens 545 rods of land lying on the hill along the Nestigeyone road; — rent three shillings and three pence yearly. (219-5)

He also owned Kruisbessen island containing about two morgens of land, which he purchased of Hendrick Vrooman and Arent Danielse Van Antwerpen, March 11, 1708/9, and by his will made Sept. 6, 1748, devised to Isaac Swits and his wife Maria. (219-6)

Barent Vrooman was by trade a carpenter, Indian trader and brewer, owning the brewhouse on Union street (220-1) with his father Adam, and afterwards with his brother Jan.


(219-1) Pine street at this time extended easterly through the lot of the Schenectady locomotive works, crossing the college brook, then called Symon Groot's kil, within the yard, by a bridge called as above and so on through college grounds to Nott street.

(219-2) As stated above Barent Vrooman's village lot was on the north corner of Centre and State streets; Barent Wemp's lot was on the opposite or east corner, now occupied by the Carley house.

(219-3) Deeds, V, 95, Groote Schuldt-boek.

(219-4) Deeds, V, 96.

(219-5) Groote Schuldt-boek.

(219-6) Sanders Papers.

(220-1) At the crossing of the N. Y. Central railroad and the canal.

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