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A History of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch and English Times
7: Adult Freeholders — Andries Van Petten

Prof. Jonathan Pearson

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[This information is from p. 187 of A History of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch and English Times; being contributions toward a history of the lower Mohawk Valley by Jonathan Pearson, A. M. and others, edited by J. W. MacMurray, A. M., U. S. A. (Albany, NY: J. Munsell's Sons, Printers, 1883). It is in the Schenectady Collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 974.744 P36, and copies are also available for borrowing.]

[The original version uses assorted typographical symbols to represent footnotes. To improve legibility, the online version uses the form (page number - note number.)]

Andries, the eldest son of Claas Van Petten, born in September, 1684, married Maieke, daughter of Jacob Coenratse Ten Eyck of Albany, Dec. 26, 1712. They had seven children, only two of whom arrived at maturity and had families. He died in 1748, aged 62 years, — she died Jan. 31, 1779, at the age of 91 years, 9 months and 27 days.

On the 4th June, 1711, his father conveyed the foremost farm No. 3 to him together with horses, cows, etc.; and on the 6th March, 1713/4, he likewise conveyed to his son Claas "the two morgens which he owned in the hindmost lot No. 3, as it had been conveyed to him by Johannes Glen." (187-2)

On the 28 Oct., 1717, he received from the patentees of Schenectady a lease of "a certain piece of lowland about one mile from Schenectady on the south side of the Mohawk, bounded west by the land of Jacob Van Guyseling, north by the standing water [dove gat], South by the Commons, beginning by a small creek by the foot of the hill and runs from thence along the bounds of the said Jacob Van Guyseling, north 19 degrees E. 49 rods to the aforesaid standing water, thence S. 58 degrees E. 29 rods, thence South 34 degrees E. 55 rods, thence S. 35 degrees W. to the foot of said hill, thence along said hill to the place of Beginning, containing three morgens and 411 rods Dutch Rynland measure; — rent one skipple of wheat yearly, said to have been previously granted by patent to Bastiaen De Winter 47 years before." (187-3) This triangular parcel of land lay at the foot of the sand bluff between the Van Petten and the Van Guyseling farms.


(187-2) Deeds, V, 222, 340, 341, 353.

(187-3) Dutch Church Papers; see also Annals of Albany, VI, 79; Doc. Hist., II, 200.

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See Also: Van Patten Family Genealogy updated December 19, 2024

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