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A History of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch and English Times
7: Adult Freeholders — Daniel Janse Van Antwerpen

Prof. Jonathan Pearson

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[This information is from pp. 159-162 of A History of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch and English Times; being contributions toward a history of the lower Mohawk Valley by Jonathan Pearson, A. M. and others, edited by J. W. MacMurray, A. M., U. S. A. (Albany, NY: J. Munsell's Sons, Printers, 1883). It is in the Schenectady Collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 974.744 P36, and copies are also available for borrowing.]

[The original version uses assorted typographical symbols to represent footnotes. To improve legibility, the online version uses the form (page number - note number.)]

He was born in 1635; in 1656 he was a deputy schout fiscal at Fort Orange; in September, 1661 he agreed with Adrian Appel (who was an innkeeper in New Amsterdam and trader in Albany, and doubtless traded sub rosa among the Indians on the Mohawk river), to serve him "in all matters and affairs that are just and right" for one year for 35 beavers [280 guilders] and all expenses; in 1662 he was at Altoona (on the Delaware river) as deputy schout fiscal.

He went to Schenectady very early in its settlement, probably about 1665. He had much to do with the Indians, probably as a trader and settled eight miles beyond the village with impunity, though it is believed he took the precaution to build a stone walled house on the bank of the Mohawk in the centre of his bouwery, where he and friends were protected against hostile Indians and yet were well out into the narrow channel of trade, along the Mohawk valley. The house being close to the bank the river furnished a route for communicating with the village of Schenectady.

This house now exists essentially as it was, or possibly as rebuilt by Jan Pieterse Mabee (159-2), in early part of the last century, with little change since. The English surveys (Sauthier's map) mark the house as late as the French and Indian war as Jan Danielse [Van Antwerpen's], and itineraries of the Mohawk Navigation Company show the adjacent shallow in the river as "Van Antwerp's Reef" where boatmen expected a struggle with the current.

His village lot was on the east corner of Union and Church streets which was occupied by him prior to 1671, when a confirmatory grant was made to him by Governor Francis Lovelace. Daniel Janse Van Antwerp owned this lot until 1715 when, at eighty years of age he released it to the consistory of the Nether Dutch church "good causes and consideration him thereunto moving" for the sole and perpetual use of the church.

In his deed it is described as "That Certain Lot of Ground Situate, Lying and being in the Town of Schenectady and house thereon Erected Containing In Lenth on the East Side Where It butts to the Lott of Ground now belonging to Julius [Jillis] Van Vorst two hundred foot and on the South Side by the Highway one hundred foot and on the west Side Likewise by the High[way] and on the North Side abutting the Lott now In Possession of John Peterson Mabee, that formerly belonged to Jan Jans Yoncker where it is in breadth and lenth as before And so mentioned In the Confirmation above mentioned It being a Corner Lott," etc.

Prior to 1670 he settled on the "Third flat" on the south side of the Mohawk river about eight miles above the village of Schenectady.

On the 22 Oct., 1677 (having probably secured a deed from the Indians for it at that time) (160-1), he solicited letters of administration from the board of magistrates to the Governor and Council for "the third plain situated on this [south] side of the Mohawk river." The magistrates granted his request "acknowledging that he had done many services in their favor." A week later, to wit, on the 29 Oct., this letter was laid before the Governor in New York and he was granted the preference, "when it shall be deemed proper to take possesion of these lands." (161-1) In furtherance of this grant of the Governor and Council the following survey of this flat was made soon after by surveyor Van der Baast.

De derde Vlachte aen dese zyde Van de Maquaase rivier versoecht by Daniel Jansen is lanch by de boskant in het geheele van de punt tot de andere 356 Rooden ende buyten de punten 193 rooden ende op zyn breetste dwars ouer van de boskant tot de rivier 83 rooden maeckende to samen 31 morgen en 379 rooden.

Aldus gemeten door.

Joris Arissen Van der Baast." (161-2)

The patent for this land was granted 21 Aug., 1680, by Gov. Dongan, and on the 22 Jan., 1705/6 Van Antwerp sold the westerly half of said farm to Jan Pieterse Mebie. The whole parcel was then described as being 356 rods long along the woodland and in breadth 193 rods and from the wood to the river 83 rods, containing altogether 31 morgens, 379 rods or 63 acres and 79 rods, in accordance with Van der Baast's measurement. (161-3) A portion of this flat is still owned by descendants of Jan Pieterse Mebie.

In 1676 he was one of five members of the court of justices of Schenectady and in 1701 was supervisor of the township.

Van Antwerpen married Maria, daughter of Symon Symonse Groot, and had five sons and three daughters, all of whom arrived at maturity and left families. Jan the eldest son married Agnieta, daughter of Harmen Vedder and had eleven children; Symon married Maria, daughter of Jacobus Peek and had ten children; he bought land and settled in Schaghticoke, made his will in 1744 and devised the westerly sixty feet of the lot of the late S. C. Groot in Union street to his son Jacobus. (161-4) Daniel married Ariaantje, daughter of Gerrit Symonse Veeder and had a family of eleven children, and Pieter married Engeltie, daughter of Jan Mebie and had twelve children, Arent married Sara Van Eps and had nine children.

Of the Van Antwerps living in eastern New York it is believed the major portion are descendants of Symon who founded the Schaghticoke branch of the family. From these they have spread throughout the country.


(159-2) See Ante, page 132, Mabee.

(160-1) [It is to be observed that in taking up lands, the Indian title was first purchased. This required time, besides duffels, strouds and brandy. The next step was to procure the approval of the magistrates and their "letters of administration" to the Governor and Council soliciting them to confirm the Indian deed and issue a patent. Indian deeds were often given, but being valueless without the Governor's patent were not heard of again, the land in question being otherwise disposed of. Probably the Indians sold the same body of land repeatedly — they certainly demanded repeated pay for land in some instances. The policy of the magistrates of Albany was against extension of the white settlements into the Indian country as dangerous to their trade. -M'M.]

(161-1) Albany Records, XX, 333, 334; Col. MSS., XXVI, 139.

(161-2) Land Papers, II, 59.

(161-3) Deeds, V, 79.

(161-4) He gave to his outste soon, Daniel Seymonse Van Antwerpen myn grooten Byble en consideratie van syn eerste geboorten recht; to his wife Maria, deurende haer naturelyck leven en weduewschaap alle myn vasten staat roerende, and onroerende, neegers, negerine, etc.; to his three sons Daniel, Johannes and Lewis, myn erfgront leggende, in het Dorp in Schonegtade ten westen de gront van Abraham Groot in de straadt die de wegh na Canistageione gaet [Union street]; als meede de twee hondert en Viftigh ackers boslandt leggende aen de suyde syden van de Mackquasse rivier ten westen boven Rosendaal. Children mentioned as living 1744, Daniel, Jacobus, Johannes, Lewis, Maria wife of Gysbert Van Brakelen, Rebecca wife of Abraham De Forest, Sara, wife of Philip Winne, and Margaret. Schermerhorn Papers.

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See Also: Van Antwerp Family Genealogy updated December 19, 2024

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