He was in Schenectady as early as 1690; his first wife was Antje Raal, his second, Arientje Uldrick, widow of Gerrit Claase Van Vranken of Niskayuna, married Oct. 16, 1692. The natives sold him a parcel of land "boven Kaquarrioone" [now Towereoune], which he contracted to sell to Carel Hansen Toll in 1694.
The patent for this land was given April 22, 1703, and is described as "twenty acres of land on the north side of the Mohawk beginning at Kaquarrioone the west bounds of the patent of Schenectady, running west up the river to the limits of land of Carel Hansen [Toll] formerly belonging to "Hendrick Cuyler." (101-1) On the 18th May, 1707, Cambefort being then a resident of Niskayuna, conveyed the above described land to Toll, (101-2) who conveyed the same to his son-in-law Johannes Van Eps. Lewis Groot about 1798, in his testimony before the commissioners appointed to settle the dispute between the proprietors of the Schenectady and Kayaderasseras Patents, said that Comfort's Patent extended west to the creek on which Groot's mill stood [Lewis' creek] and that Cuyler's Patent extended west from said creek. (101-3) Not long after his second marriage, Comfort removed to Niskayuna, where he was living as late as 1720.
(101-1) Patents, 1577.
(101-2) Deeds, V, 71.
(101-3) Toll Papers.