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A History of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch and English Times
13: The Reformed Nether Dutch Church (Finances)

Prof. Jonathan Pearson and the Editor

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[This information is from pp. 378-387 of A History of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch and English Times; being contributions toward a history of the lower Mohawk Valley by Jonathan Pearson, A. M. and others, edited by J. W. MacMurray, A. M., U. S. A. (Albany, NY: J. Munsell's Sons, Printers, 1883). It is in the Schenectady Collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 974.744 P36, and copies are also available for borrowing.]

[The original version uses assorted typographical symbols to represent footnotes. To improve legibility, the online version uses the form (page number - note number.)]

In early times the Dutch churches often acted as guardians of widows and orphans; they provided for the poor and kindly looked after the aged and infirm, who had no natural protectors; and it was not unusual for the latter to place their property in the hands of the consistory from whom they received from time to time such support as their wants required. The consistory were the almoners of the church; every Lord's day a collection was taken of the free will offerings of the people for this and certain other purposes, and this duty was not omitted even though there were no present projects upon whom their bounty might be bestowed.

In the outset, the little community of Schenectady seems to have had few or no poor people, with the exception of a "shirt for a captive Frenchman," it does not appear from the accounts that the deacons gave a stiver to any person during the years 1687-9. As the funds accumulated they were loaned on bond at 6% interest to citizens. Thus in the audit of 1689, obligations to the amount of nearly 3000 guilders were included in the assets of the church. Moreover the consistory traded with another portion of these funds, buying and selling brass kettles, nails, linen, thread, baize, coverlets, etc. This seeming perversion of the funds given for a more sacred purpose was simply a temporary necessity of the times and ceased altogether when private enterprise provided for the wants of the people.

Among the permanent sources of income, were de wey or "Poor Pasture," originally given by Hans Janse Eenkluys "for the poor of Schenectady;" — the church mill and mill pasture given by Sweer Teunise Van Velsen; — leases received from the trustees of the town; — seat rents and burial fees.

Besides the payment of the domine's salary and the Voorlezer's and Klokluyer's stipends, out of these funds the bread and wine and sacred utensils for the Lord's Supper were purchased; the church was cleaned, and incidental repairs to the parsonage were made, such as glass for windows, posts, nails, &c., for the fence. The following from the church account books are illustrations:

"1735, By een predication Boek, £1-4-0."

1777, Dec., the church paid "Voor een gifte aan afgebrande menschen van dese plaats."

"13 Sept., 1794. Bey cassa voor een groten Engelsen Beybel."

5 Sept., 1815. The consistory resolve to refund to the deacons enough to buy 4 silver mugs and one metal flaggon, which is still used in the church at communion service.

A knowledge of the domestic habits and church customs of a people is most difficult to be learned after a lapse of two centuries; — even uncommon events were seldom recorded, how much less likely then that social manners and every day occurrences should become matters of history. Particularly unfortunate has it been for Schenectady that the flames of 1690, spared almost nothing of her early records; — with the exception of a few leaves of the deacons' account book, all is blank.

As something however may be learned, even from such unpromising materials as these, both in respect to the customs and finances of the church, the following extracts are subjoined.

During the year 1686/7, the church accounts were kept by Deacon Johannes Sanderse Glen and are quite legible.

1686 den 20 oktb. Jan brouwerdebet.1686 20 Oct. Jan BrouwerDr
aen 14 el linnen a 7 el. pr bever (380-1)gl. 16.-to 14 ells of linnen a 7 ells the beaver16 gl.
ditto Maria Clyndebetditto Maria KleinDr
aen 6 el 11nnPn a 7 el. pr beverfl. 6-18to 6 ells of linnen a 7 ells the beaver6-8
aen een kombaers a f. 1010-to a coverlet a 10 guildgl.10-0
aen 6 el. bay8.-to 6 ells baizee8.-
aen 4 lbs 4 lbs. nails2.
aen 7 el. linnen a 7 el. pr. 7 ells linnen a 7 ells the beav.8.
aen 2 strenge garen0.5to 2 skeins thread0-5
Johannes potmanCredet15th Septem. Johannes PotmanCr
den 15 Septem. aen de kerck gewerekt 11 dagen a f. 7 des dagen.2511 days work on the church a 7 guilders a day25
ditto. Isack de Trou [Truax] ditto Isaac de Trieux [Truax] 
aen 6 lbs spykers3.-to 6 lbs nails3.-
den 20 Novem. Adam Vromandebet20 Nov. Adam VroomanDr
aen 9 lb spykers, sewant 14f.4.-to 9 lbs nails sewant 144.
aen 2 lb spykers, 2 lbs nails beaver1.
ditto Sander Glendebetditto Sander GlenDr
aen 9 lbs spykersfl.4to 9 lbs nails4.
1686 den 30 Septe. Johannes Glen,debet.1686 30 Sept. Johannes GlenDr
aen 42 lbs spykers a 20 lb. pr. 42 lbs nails a 20 lbs pr beaver17-
aen 34 lb. spykers a 20 lb. pr. bev.13-15to 34 lbs nails a 20 lbs pr. beaver 13-1513-15
aen 2 sgepel taru to 2 skiples of wheat 
1689 30 oktoberCredit1689 30 Oct.Cr
2 bevers aen silv. geltfl. 162 beavers in silver money16.-
aen bever8one beaver8.
noch by reckeninge6-15also by settlement6-15
den 8 ockto. domenie tassemaker,debet8 Oct. Domine ThesschenmaeckerDr
aen 14 el. linnen a 7 el. pr bever16-to 14 ells of linnen a 7 ells pr beaver16.-
Credet Wouter Vrooman Cr. Walter Vrooman 
Voor plaes voor sin vroouw36 gulfor a place [seat] for his wife36-
ditto Barant Wempdebetditto Barent WempDr
aen 14 el. a 7 el. pr bev.16.-to 14 ells of linnen a 7 ells pr beaver16.-
1689 Ockt.Credit1689, Oct.Cr.
2 bevers aen zilvr16.-2 beavers in silver16.-
ditto Sweer tunissedebetditto. Sweer Teunisse [Van Velsen] (381-2)Dr
aen 14 el. linnen a 7 el. pr bev. 14 ells linnen a 7 ells pr beav.16.-
aen 7 el linnen door syn myt Jannetje gehaelt 7 ells linnen fetched by his maid Jannetie8
den 1 novem.Credit.Nov. 1Cr.
aen sulver tot fl. 26 bevers26to silver fl. 26 — beaver26.
den 10 Oktob Daniel Jansedebet10 Oct. Daniel Janse Van AntwerpenDr.
aen 20 el. linnen a 7 el. pr. bev.29-15to 26 ells linnen a 7 ells pr beavers29-15
1688 den 20 Augus.credet1688, 20 Aug.Cr.
aen fl. 89-5 sewant29-15to 89-5 sewant29-15
1686 10 Oktob. Abram Grootdebet1686 10 Oct. Abraham GrootDr.
aen 14 el. linnen a 7 el. pr. 14 ells linnen a 7 ells pr. beav.16.-
2 bevers door barent Janse op reckeninge van domine tassemaker16.two beavers by Barent Janse [Ditmars] on a reckoning of Domine Thesschenmaecker16-
ditto. Andries Arentsedebetditto. Andries Arentse [Bratt]Dr
aen 17 1/2 el. linnen a 7 el. pr 17 1/2 ells linnen a 7 ells pr. beav.20.
ditto Jan Van Rotterdam,debetditto. Jan Van RotterdamDr
aen fl. 12 sewant over een aksie die hey met hendrik mess 12 guilders sewant in an action which he had with Hendrick Meese [Vrooman]4.-
den 6 meert, aen fl.12 sewant over questie die hey met hendrik lammerse hat4.6 Mar. to 12 guilders sewant in the contest which he had with Hendrick Lammerse4-
ditto hendrik lammersedebetditto. Hendrick LammerseDr
aen fl. 12 sewant over qestie die hey met rotterdam 12 guilders sewant in the contest which he had with Rotterdam (381-3)4.
den 10 oktob. de Commissariss:debet10 Oct. The commissaries (382-1)Dr.
aen 20 lb. 20 lbs. nailsfl.8.
Content Verkoght. Account of sales 
10 lb. spykers4.10 lbs. nails4.-
40 lb. spykers sewant48.40 lbs. nails sewant48.-
1 1/2 el. linnen5-31 1/2 ells linnen5-3
8 strenge garen2-168 skeins thread2-16
3 lb. spykers voor de kerk4-103 lbs nails for the church4-10
Uyt gift. Expenditures. 
den 6 novem. voor het klyne doot kleet108.-6 Nov. for the little pall (382-2)fl. 108
voor het naye1-6for the sewing [same]1-6
den 5 desem. voor het naghtmaels wyn25.-5 Dec. for the wine for the Lord's supper25.-
voor ryen van een vert spyke von de Vuyk, 4 lb. spykers6-for freight of a tub of nails from the Fuyck (382-3) 4 lbs. nails6-
voor de glasen van de kerck30-for glass for the church30-
1687 den 28 Maret 1687 28 Mar. 
aen ryer Jacobse, sewant en 47 sgepel taru a 5 sg. d bever die by van Sweer tunesse ontfangen heeft600.-to Ryer Jacobse [Schermerhorn] and 47 skiples of wheat a 5 skiples pr. beaver, which he has received of Sweer Teunisse [Van Velsen]600-
nogh door Symen Groot 12 1/2 sgepel taru also through Simon Groot 12 1/2 skiples of wheat. 
nog door gysbert gerretse 16 sgepel taru also through Gysbert Gerritse [Van Brakel] 16 skiples of wheat 
nog door barent Wimp 11 sgepel taru dit alles a 5 d bever. also through Barent Wemp 11 skiples of wheat, all a 5 skiples per beaver. 
Den 4 sept. 4 Sept. 
nog aen wyn Voort nagt maels30also to wine for the Lord's supper30-
nog voor linnen 4 ell7.-6also for linnen 4 ells7-6
nog een hemt voor een gevangen Vransmen8.also a shirt for a captive Frenchman8.-
nog 2 sgepels taru gekogt10.also 2 skiples of wheat bo't10-
nog voor wyn aen't nagtma15.also for wine for the Lord's supper15-
nog f. 27 sew: aen Potman gelyck het by syn reckening te sien is27.also 27 guilders sewant to Potman as is to be seen by his settlement27.

[Audit of the past year's accounts.]

Ao Di 1687 Den 5 Decembr in Skachnechtade. So heeft de kercken-raed so predikant, ouderlingen als diackenen de Reckeringh Van de Cas en alles opgenomen Van Johannes Sanders en Levert de Reckening aen Claes Lowrense purmerent aldus voer Dat hy in zewant & silver gelt in Cas heeftg.697-2A. D. 1687, 5 Dec. in Schenectady. The consistory, minister, elders and deacons, — have received an account of the cash and all other things from John Sanderse [Glen] and delivered the same to Claas Lourentse Purmerent [alias Van der Volgen] as follows: — he has in sewant [wampum] and silver moneyg.697-2
en hy moet ontfangen aen nystaenden schulden van linnen423.and he is to receive in outstanding debts for linnenfl.423
Purmerent heeft volgens Zyn Boek verkoegt249 1/2 lb. spykersPurmerent has sold according to his books249 1/2 lb. nails
noch onbetaelt128 lb his book yet unpaid128 lb."
noch heeft Purmerent in zyn huys149 lb. spykersalso Purmerent has in his house149 lbs."
['t samen]528 1/2 lbstotal528 1/2"
Petrus Thesschenmacker
Meyndert Wemp.
Petrus Thesschenmaker,
Meyndert Wemp.

The accounts for 1688 were kept by deacon Claas Lourentse Purmerent [Van der Volgen].

The sales being similar to those of the year preceding but few extracts will be made.

1687 den 15 april. Symon Groot, barent Wemp ende Gysbert Gerritse [Van Brakel], syn debat voor een jaer huer van de plantasie (383-1), — beverf.821687 15 ap. Simon Groot, Barent Wemp and Gysbert Gerritse (Van Brakel) are indebted for a year's hire of the plantation (383-1) —guilders 82
1688 den 15 april Symen Groot, barent Wemp en gysbert gerritse (Van Brakel) nog een jaer huer van dite plantasie a beverf.821688 ap. 15. Simon Groot, Barent Wemp and Gysbert Gerritse [Van Brakel] are still indebted for a year's hire of this plantation82
 fl.164 fl. 164
1689 15 ap. Symen Groot, barent wemp and gysbert gerritse (Van Brakel) deb. een jaer Huer van de plantasiefl.821689 15 ap. Simon Groot, Barent Wemp and Gysbert Gerritse [Van Brakel] debit for a years' hire of the plantationfl.82
1687 den 28 meert. Symen Grootcredet1687 28 Mar. Simon Groot,Cr
aen 13 1/2 sgepels taru a 5 sgepel pr beverfl.20to 13 1/2 skiples of wheat a 5 skiples pr beverfl.20
Gysbert GerritseCredetGysbert Gerritse (Van Brakel)Cr.
aen 16 sgepel taru a 5 sgepel d bever25-12to 16 skiples of wheat a 5 skip: pr. beaver25-12
barent wempCredetBarent WempCr.
aen 11 sgepel taru a 5 sgepel pr bever17-12to 11 skiples of wheat a 5 skiples pr beaver17-12
1688 gysbert gerritsecredet1688 Gysbert Gerritse (Van Brakel)Cr
10 schepel erten a 5 schepel per bever16-10 skiples of peas a 5 skiples pr beaver16
dirck bratCredetDirck BrattCr
15 schepel taru2415 skiples of wheat24
door Jan Roeloffse, credet6by Jan Roeloffse (384-1) (De Goyer)6
 109-4 109-4
1688 de diyaconydeb.1688 The diaconateDr
66 lb. spykers aen de Heyninge en 39 1/2 lbs spykers Aen't huys 66 lbs nails on the fence and 39 1/2 lbs nails on the House 
1688 de diyaconyCredit1688 The diaconateCr.
66 lbs spykers. 66 lbs. nails 
Verkoght 34 strengen garen a 6 stuyvers pr streng: de strengen Komptfl10-4sold 34 skeins of thread at 6 stuyvers pr skein, the skeins come tofl10-4
credet credit 
Voort verkoght garenfl10-4For the selling of thread,10-4

[Audit for the year 1688.]

Ao Di 1688 Den 1 Novemb: in Skachnechtadie A.D. 1688 Nov. 1 in Schenectady 
So heeft de kerckenraad van Shachnechtadie, so predicant, ouderlingen als Diaeckanen De Reckeninge van de Cas opgenomen van Claes Lourentse Purmerent en de selve op dato aen Adam Vrooman overgelevert in dese naer Volgende posten. The consistory of Schenectady, minister, elders and deacons, have received from Claas Lourentse Purmerend [alias Van der Volgen] an account of the cash, and at this date have delivered over the same to Adam Vrooman in the following items: 
In casa en Zewantfl199.-7in cash in Zewantfl199.-7
noch vier Stucken vanachten48.four pieces of Eight (Spanish)48.
aen Boeck schuld696by book accounts696
Een obligatie op Hendrick meese van 't jaer 1681 den 23 apl [Except de interest]350An obligation against Hendrick meese [Vrooman] of the year 1681 Ap. 23, [Except the interest]350.
Een obligatie op Bennony Adresse Van 't jaer 1686 den 2 Augs. [Except de interest]336-1An obligation of Bennony Arentse [Van Hoeck] of the year 1686 Aug. 2, [Except the interest]336-1
Een obligatie op Willem Abramse van 't jaer 1687, den 28 Novr [Except de interest]600An obligation against William Abrahamse [Tietsoort] of the year 1687, Nov. 28, [Except the interest]600/
Een obligatie op Reyer Jacobse van 't jaer 1687 den 28 maert [except de interest]1008An obligation aginst Reyer Jacobse [Schermerhorn] of the year 1687 28 mar., [except the interest]fl1008.-
Verschenen gelt van't weyland van 't jaer 1688 den 15 apl verschenen164-8Sundry sums from the pasture land of the year 1688 ap. 15,164-8
Van Gerrit Banckert Van 't weyland44From Gerrit Bancker for the Pasture land,44-
Vrywillige besloften van Barent Deipmars24Freewill offerings of Barent Ditmars,24-
3/8 lb garen 3/8 lb thread, 
sa fl3369-16Sum. fl3369-16
't welck wy getuygenThe which we witness -
Petrus Thesschenmaecker, predicant.Petrus Thesschenmaecker, preacher
Sweer thoonischen Van Velsen,Sweer Teunise Van Velsen,
Reynier SchaetsReynier Schaets,
Meyndert WempMeyndert Wemp,
Claes LouressesClaes Lourentse [Vander Volgen]
Adam VroommanAdam Vrooman,
Dit I C S is 't merck van Isaac SwitsThis is I C S the mark of Isaac Swits.

[Editorial note: the mark of Isaac Swits is represented in the book as I C followed by an S rotated ninety degrees clockwise.]

Deacon Adam Vrooman was treasurer of the Diaconate for the year 1689. The following are some of the expenditures.

1689 6 ianwari. betaelt aen Lysbet Van Trych voer hans iansen Kluys57-121689 6 Jan. paid to Elizabeth Von Trich [Tricht (385-1)] for Hans Janse [Eenkluys]57-12
febwer. aen meyndert wemp betaelt 7 schep a taru28.Feb. to Myndert Wemp paid 7 skiples of wheat,28.
maert, betaelt aen wyn voer het avontmael17.March. paid for wine for the Lord's supper,17.
betaelt aen de wesvaders van Pyeter kwyns144.paid to the guardians of Peter Kwyns144.
1689 den 30 mey1689 30 may,
noch aen lodewyck cobes op renten gelandt132.also to Ludovicus Cobes lent upon interest,132.
den 23 July23 July.
noch betaelt voer 4 dagen gewerck my wey van hans iansen * * * *16.Also paid for 4 days work in the pasture of Hans Janse [Eenkluys],16.
den 30 okto.30 Oct.
noch betaelt voer wyn Voer het avontmael17-10also paid for wine for the Lord's supper17-10
den 3 septem.3. Sept.
noch aen tennis karsten op renten gelandt120also to Teunis Karstense lent upon interest120

[Audit for 1689.]

Ao Dr 1689 Den 26en Novemr in Skacknechtadie.

So heeft de kercken raad van Skahnechtadie so Predicant, Ouderlingen en Diaeckenen De Reckeningh van de Cas en alle Schuld en Obligatien en Van de wey op genomen van Adam Vroomman, en deselve op dats aen Isaac Swits overgelevert in dese user volgende postem:The consistory, minister, Elders and Deacons, have received from Adam Vrooman an account of the cash obligations and [dues] for the [Poor] Pasture and delivered the same to Isaac Swits at this date in the following items:
In cas in zewantfl245-14In cash sewant,gl. 245-14
De wey is debet212-11The Poor Pasture is indebted212-11
 458-5 458-5
Aen Obligatien DebetObligations Debit
Hendrick meese451-5Hendrick meese [Vrooman],fl451-5
Benony Aersse396-1Bennoni Arentse [Van Hoek],396-1
Reyer Jacobse Schermerhooren1128.Ryer Jacobse Schermerhooren1128
Willem Abramse612.Willem Abramse [Tietsoort],612
Ludovicus Cobes132.Ludovicus Cobes,132
Teunis Carstense128.Teunis Carstense,128
Carel Hansen120.Carol Hansen [Toll],120
 fl2959-6 fl2959-6
aen Boeck schulderBook debts.
Jan Brouwer54John Brouwer,54
Maria Cobes115-19Maria Cobes,115-19
Isaac de Triex16-10Isaac De Triex [Truax]16-10
Sander Glen15-15Alexander Glen,15-15
Johannes Glen33-15John Glen,33-15
Jacob Van Laer3-Jacob Van Laer,3-
Philip Philipse27-12Philip Philipse [De More]27-12
Jan Joncker24-Jan Joncker [van Rotterdam],24.
Hendrick Lammerse12-Hendrick Lammerse,12
Andries Bratt24-Andries Bratt,24
Willem Abramse30Willem Abrahamse [Tietsoort],30
Douwe Aukes31-1Douwe Aukes [De Freese]31-1
Jan Meby13-10Jan Mebie,13-10
Joris Aerse12-Joris Aersse [van der Baast],12.
Jesaias Swart12-Jesaias Swart,12
Benony Aersse33-10Benoni Aersse [Van Hoek]33-10
Gerrit Banckert44-8Gerrit Bancker,44-8
Barent Deipmars24-Barent [Janse] van Ditmars,24
 527 527
[Signed by][Signed by]
Petrus Thesschenmaecker, PredicantPetrus Thesschenmaecker, preacher
Meyndert Wemp, ouderlingenMyndert Wemp,
frans Harmense, ouderlingenFrans Harmense [Van der Bogart], Elders.
Adam Vrooman, dese vier DiaeckenenAdam Vrooman, These four Deacons.
Dit is 't I C S merck Van Isaac SwtsThis is the I C S mark of Isaac Swits,
Willem AppelWillem Appel,
Dit B W is 't merck Van Barendt WempThis is the B W mark of Barendt Wemp [Wemple],

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