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A History of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch and English Times
2: Illustrations

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[This information is from pp. v-vii of A History of the Schenectady Patent in the Dutch and English Times; being contributions toward a history of the lower Mohawk Valley by Jonathan Pearson, A. M. and others, edited by J. W. MacMurray, A. M., U. S. A. (Albany, NY: J. Munsell's Sons, Printers, 1883). It is in the Schenectady Collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 974.744 P36, and copies are also available for borrowing.]

  1. Portrait of Prof. Pearson (Frontispiece) [1x | 4x]

    With signature. (Heliotype.)

  2. Indian Signatures (11, 12, 17, 18, 19)


  3. Map of the Bouwlands 1664 (59)
  4. Constructed from actual survey and old deeds and descriptions. The four town blocks are also shown.

  5. Bratt House, Woestyne (98)

    This old house is brick on front and sides, wood in rear. Bricks are set in colored pattern. (Heliotype.)

  6. Portrait Rev. Barnardus Freerman (112) [1x | 4x]

    And facsimile signature. (Cut.)

  7. Glen House, Scotia (119)


  8. Mebee House (132)

    (3d Flat, cut.)

  9. Abraham Yates' House (229)


  10. Destruction of Schenectady (246) [1x | 9x]

    Engraved from a painting partly by Giles F. Yates. (Cut.)

  11. Signatures of Albany Officials (256) [1x | 9x]


  12. Map of Albany and Vicinity (290)

    From Sauthier's map published in London in 1779, from data in colonial offices. The map was prepared for military purposes and shows minute details as to hofstedes, indicating with remarkable detail, buildings and enclosures. It may be considered as accurate enough for the period from 1730 to 1780. (Photo-engraving.)

  13. Chorographical Map of the Northern Department of North America (296)

    This map is added as showing routes to Canada and the names of places cited in the text. The representation of all western New York to near the present Utica, as part of Pennsylvania is curious. There are other features of interest in it. (Steel engraving.)

  14. De Graaf House and Beukendaal (299)

    The vale on the right is Beukendaal or Beech vale. Along its sides occurred the skirmishing fight, exactly where, no one knows, or can know. The whites made a stand in the old red house and held their own against the Indians until relief arrived. (Heliotype.)

  15. Indian Castle (305) [1x | 4x]

    From Champlain's account. (Photo-engraving.)

  16. Miller's Map (311)

    Quite fully described on its face and in the text. (Photo-engraving.)

  17. Mary Ann Rocque's Map (316)

    Copied from map in a curious little volume in the New York State Library, containing plans of royal forts in North America. This was doubtless engraved from a sketch by an officer of the British army stationed here or in the vicinity, and probably dates from the close of the "Old French War," or the beginning of the "2d French War," say from 1748 to 1763. (Photo-engraving.)

  18. Vrooman's Map 1768 (328)

    Is copied from a small rough manuscript map now in possession of Union College Library. (Photo-engraving.)

  19. Deed to Dutch Church Lot (350) [1x | 4x]

    Copied from ancient document in the deacon's chest in the Dutch church at Schenectady. (Photo-engraving.)

  20. Dutch Church of 1733/4 (352) [1x | 4x]

    Constructed from descriptions, plans and the aid of elderly persons now living who were familiar with its appearance, from which a sketch was made by Mr. Franklin H. Janes, architect, of Albany, whose courtesy, skill and taste have been of much service to the editor. (Photo-engraving.)

  21. Interior of the Church (356) [1x | 4x]

    Was constructed in same manner as preceding cut. There are two errors in the drawing, the figures 1733, in Dutch style should have been on the wall over the pulpit, Genl. Fuller tells me, and the women in the congregation should have been bonnetless, as they rarely at that date wore bonnets or hats in or out doors. Probably also there are insufficient of the congregation asleep, but the sermon has not yet commenced as indicated by the sexton stirring up the fires. Photo-engraving from drawing of Mr. Franklin H. Janes, of Albany.

  22. Plan of Church of 1734 (357) [1x | 4x]


  23. Church (362) [1x | 4x]

    From Giles F. Yates' painting. (Photo-engraving.)

  24. Oldest Grave-stone in Mohawk Valley (372) [1x | 4x]

    Copied from the stone in Union College Library. The inscription is dim and almost undecipherable. The cut is purposely made to show this, but the laid paper lifts made it worse. (Photo-engraving.)

  25. Batteau on Mohawk River (423) [1x | 9x]


  26. Durham Boat (426) [1x | 9x]


  27. Map of the Country of the VI Nations (433)

    By Guy Johnson, 1771, (Lithograph from a Steel engraving)

  28. Schenectady Academy (434) [1x | 9x]

    (Cut.) From Scribner's Magazine.

  29. Old Union College (435) [1x | 9x]

    (Cut.) From Scribner's Magazine.

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