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History of the Mohawk Valley: Gateway to the West 1614-1925
Mrs. Laura Elizabeth (Heroth) Sitterly

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[This information is from Vol. IV, p. 75 of History of the Mohawk Valley: Gateway to the West 1614-1925, edited by Nelson Greene (Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1925). It is in the Schenectady Reference collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 974.7 G81h. This online edition includes lists of portraits, maps and illustrations. As noted by Paul Keesler in his article, "The Much Maligned Mr. Greene," some information in this book has been superseded by later research or was provided incorrectly by local sources.]

Contents | Portraits | Illustrations | Maps

Mrs. Laura Elizabeth (Heroth) Sitterly, proprietor of the Valley View Inn at Palatine Bridge, was born in the town of Palatine, New York, on March 17, 1890, her parents being Frederick and Philopena (Rador) Heroth, who are still residents of that place. The latter, who was born in Coblenz, Germany, of the marriage of Jacob and Louise (Becker) Rador, has attained the age of seventy-four years. Mrs. Louise (Becker) Rador, a native of Germany, departed this life in New York city. Frederick and Laura Heroth, the paternal grandparents of Mrs. Sitterly of this review, lived and died in Germany. Their son, Frederick Heroth, the father of Mrs. Sitterly, has reached the age of seventy-six years, for he was born in Coblenz, in the Rhine province of Germany, on the 18th of September, 1848.

In the acquirement of an education Laura Elizabeth Heroth attended the public schools in the town of Palatine. The Valley View Inn, of which she is now proprietor, is located on Grand street, in Palatine Bridge, directly on the main thoroughfare. One of its chief attractions is the delightful view of the old Mohawk river and of the village of Canajoharie just across the river.

At the old homestead, in the town of Palatine, Laura E. Heroth was united in marriage to Fayette Sitterly, who was born in the town of Palatine, on December 28, 1882, and educated in the public schools there. His parents were Benjamin J. and Adaline (Dillenback) Sitterly, the latter a daughter of Reuben and Eliza (Markel) Dillenback. Benjamin J. Sitterly, who was born in the town of Palatine, on April 23, 1845, devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits throughout his active career and departed this life in Canajoharie, on the 2d of February, 1918. His wife, Adaline (Dillenback) Sitterly, was a native of Palatine Bridge, New York, where she passed away on September 16, 1914. Their son, Fayette Sitterly, is a successful farmer and a consistent member of the Lutheran church at Stone Arabia. His political support is given to the democratic party. His chief diversions include fishing and motoring. Fayette Sitterly and his wife have two children: Elizabeth Adaline, who was born in the town of Palatine, and who is a student in the grade school at Palatine Bridge; and Daniel Heroth Sitterly, who was born in the town of Palatine and is also pursuing his education at Palatine Bridge. The mother, Mrs. Laura E. Sitterly, attends St. Mark's Lutheran church at Canajoharie and is a member of its Helping Hand Society.

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