Frank Matteson Rathbone, whom Oneida county numbers among her capable public officials and worthy native sons, is faithfully discharging the duties devolving upon him in the capacity of county clerk. His birth occurred in Vernon, New York, on the 16th of September, 1864, his parents being Reuben Matteson and Calista (Burleson) Rathbone, who passed away in the years 1870 and 1872, respectively.
It was in 1919 that Frank M. Rathbone was appointed by Governor Miller to fill out an unexpired term as county clerk. In November, 1920, he was elected to that position on the republican ticket and on the 1st of January, 1921, assumed the duties of the office of county clerk, in which connection he has since made a most creditable and commendable record. He is a popular member of the Republican Club and the Craftsman Club and is a worthy exemplar of the teachings and purposes of the Masonic fraternity, belonging to Oneida Lodge, No. 270, F. & A. M,; Mohawk Consistory, A. & A. S. R.; and Ziyara Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.
In early manhood Mr. Rathbone was united in marriage to Miss Ray Duffy, daughter of Thomas A. and Silva Duffy. Their children are five in number, namely: Mildred E., Thomas Raymond, Dorothy Duffy, Jay Stanley and Silva Calista. The family is well known and highly esteemed in Utica and Mr. Rathbone enjoys an enviable reputation throughout Oneida county, in which he has always resided.