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History of the Mohawk Valley: Gateway to the West 1614-1925
Conway Alonzo Frost, M. D.

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[This information is from Vol. III, pp. 805-806 of History of the Mohawk Valley: Gateway to the West 1614-1925, edited by Nelson Greene (Chicago: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1925). It is in the Schenectady Reference collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 974.7 G81h. This online edition includes lists of portraits, maps and illustrations. As noted by Paul Keesler in his article, "The Much Maligned Mr. Greene," some information in this book has been superseded by later research or was provided incorrectly by local sources.]

Contents | Portraits | Illustrations | Maps

Dr. Conway Alonzo Frost, who has been successfully engaged in the practice of medicine, specializing in pediatrics and obstetrics, in Utica since 1905, is one of the native sons of the state of Michigan. Born in Detroit, on May 9, 1867, he comes from two families that have been intimately identified with the history of that commonwealth since the early pioneer days. Through his mother, Ellen Noble before her marriage to George S. Frost, he claims membership in one of the oldest of the New England families, tracing his descent from John Noble, who was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1662. John's grandson, David Noble, was born in Williamstown, Massachusetts, in 1744, and was graduated from Yale University in the class of 1764. He became a very prominent man in his community and was judge of the court of common pleas in Berkshire county from 1795 on. For ten years, from 1793 until his death in 1803, he was a trustee of Williams College, which retains to the present day substantial evidences of his interest in that young institution. The college bell and the land on which the president's home was built were his gifts. David's son, Deodatus, is best remembered for his religious activities in Williamstown as deacon of the old Congregational church which is still in existence. The first foreign mission of the church was formed on his land and he was one of the leaders in securing its organization. Charles Noble, grandfather of Conway Alonzo Frost, graduated from Williams College in 1815. Like many other young men in his profession — law — in the early part of the last century he sought the vast opportunities awaiting those who were courageous enough to cast their lot with that of the new "west". In 1820 he went out to Frenchtown, Michigan, now known as Monroe, where he remained until 1853, at that time removing to Detroit, which was his home until his death in 1874. Charles Noble became an eminent lawyer and took an active part in giving shape to the new social organization that was growing up on the peninsula between the two great lakes, Michigan and Huron. Among the various public offices he held in the course of his long career were those of district attorney, postmaster, Indian agent and member of the legislative council from 1846 to 1850. He was also surveyor general of the district embracing the much disputed boundary line between Ohio, Indiana and Michigan in 1849-1853. The Frosts were likewise influential early settlers in Michigan and among the first residents of Detroit. George S. Frost, Dr. Frost's father, was born at Marcellus, near Syracuse, New York, but went west in early life. He enjoyed the distinction of acting as private secretary to General Lewis Cass during the latter's campaign for the presidency and was otherwise prominent in state affairs.

After obtaining his early education in private schools in Detroit and a boys' boarding school at Lawrenceville, New York, Conway Alonzo Frost entered Princeton University as a member of the class of 1890. Later he transferred to the medical school of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, where he became a member of the Chi Psi fraternity. In 1890 he graduated from the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York city, with the M. D. degree, following which he did graduate work in the famous medical centers of Europe, notably Vienna and Freiberg, Germany. Dr. Frost began the private practice of medicine in Clinton, New York, in 1891, where he remained for about seven years. During this period he held a position on the faculty of Hamilton College as instructor in hygiene and physical culture, from 1894 to 1897. From Clinton the Doctor went to Rome and there practiced until 1905, coming to Utica in the latter year. Since opening an office for the practice of his profession in this city Dr. Frost has risen to a prominent position in the medical fraternity, enjoying a large and important practice and ranking high among his colleagues. For some years he has been specializing in pediatrics and obstetrics, subjects on which he is a recognized authority, and has been meeting with the success his skill deserves. In addition to his private practice Dr. Frost is on the staff of St. Luke's Hospital and a member of St. Luke's Clinical Society, physician in charge of the Children's Home and attending physician and member of the staff for the Home for the Aged. He is also attending physician at the Jay Street Day Nursery. His skill as a physician has ever been devoted to the service of humanity and that he is ready to help wherever he can be of service is shown by his various connections with institutions of a more or less philanthropic character. Dr. Frost is associated with his professional colleagues in the American, New York State and Oneida County Medical Associations and was president of the latter organization in the year 1909.

Dr. Frost's marriage to Miss Ann Mott, daughter of Edward E. Mott of Clinton, New York, was celebrated on August 18, 1892. They have a son and a daughter: Caroline Mott Frost, born February 23, 1896; and Edward Earle Frost, born November 12, 1898. Edward Frost spent two years at Harvard University and during the World war he did his "bit" toward serving his country and helping the cause of democracy as a member of the United States naval forces. At the present time he is building a commercial career in the cotton business, being associated with Maynard Woodward of Utica in this enterprise. Mr. Frost is a bright young man of pleasing personality and an evident capacity for commercial work. His achievements thus far in the cotton business have been most encouraging for one of his years and experience, and indicate that he may confidently look forward to much greater success in the future.

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