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See Also: Schenectady in the Revolutionary War

A History of Schenectady During the Revolution
Individual Records of Service A to C

[This information is from A History of Schenectady During the Revolution by Willis T. Hanson, Jr. (Brattleboro, VT: E. L. Hildreth & Co., 1916). It is in the Schenectady Collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 974.744 H25, and copies are also available for borrowing.]

Adams, William
Settled in Schenectady about 1757. His name appears as having served as a physician and on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia, Land Bounty Rights.
Alexander, Alexander
Born February 19, 1765; died September 1, 1809. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia. At the commencement of the war he was but ten years of age and it is therefore probable he saw very little active service.
Alexander, Robert
On March 1, 1776, he signed an agreement with Philip Schuyler for service at Ticonderoga and Lake George. He is mentioned in the state treasurer's pay book as having served as a lieutenant in the 2d Albany County Militia.
Alexander, Sandy
His name appears on the rolls of the Albany County Militia.
Ament, Eldert
Died shortly before March, 1798. A merchant in 1790, living on the south corner of Union and Ferry Streets. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia. On November 21, 1776, there was an Eldert Ament serving as ensign in the 5th Company, 3d New York Line. He resigned on December 23, 1778.
Banker, Thomas Brower
Born in 1729; died May 25, 1807. A blacksmith by trade. He built and lived in a house on State Street at the present location of No. 224. He and his wife, Anna Mebie, are buried side by side near the State Street entrance of Vale Cemetery, their bodies having been removed from the old Dutch Reformed Church burying ground on Green Street. On October 20, 1775, Banker was commissioned first lieutenant in the A Company, 2d Albany County Militia. On November 22 he received a commission as captain from the Provincial Congress and on February 10, 1776, was assigned to one of the newly organized Schenectady companies of miitia. In May, 1777, he was on duty at Fort Edward. He remained there for some time, after which his company was ordered to Snookkill. He served through the campaign against Burgoyne. On June 20, 1778, he was reappointed captain, and during this year served at the Schoharie Forts and in command of a detachment under General Clinton erecting fortifications at Sacandaga. In the spring of 1779, he commanded a detachment to Beaverdam and captured seven Tories. In the summer he was in command of a detail at Schoharie and in August went with his company to Herkimer. In the fall he served at Fort Plank and Stone Arabia. In August, 1780, he went with the troops to Fort Plain after the destruction of Canajoharie and in the fall to Ballston after the raid. In September, 1781, he commanded a detachment which marched some thirty miles to the north of Schenectady "to drive back the enemy who were said to be advancing towards this place," and in October, he commanded a detachment in pursuit of Major Ross and Butler. Simms mentions an amusing incident which occurred during General Washington's visit to Schenectady in June, 1782. Washington was walking on the street in company with Captain Banker when an old negro passing removed his hat and bowed. Washington immediately returned the compliment much to the surprise of Banker, who suggested that it was not the custom of the country to notice slaves. "I cannot be less civil than a poor negro," Washington replied as they walked on.
Barclay, James
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia, Land Bounty Rights.
Barhydt, Cornelius
He served as a captain of batteaumen, and in the 2d Albany County Militia.
Barhydt, Jacob
Baptized February 9, 1753. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Barhydt, James
Born in Schenectady, March 28, 1762, lived here until the year 1784. In the spring of 1778 he enrolled as a private under Captain Jesse Van Slyck, 2d Albany County Militia. He performed considerable scout and patrol duty and about June 20, 1779, as a volunteer private was assigned to a company of Rangers from Cherry Valley under Captain Robert McKean. With this company he assisted in the transportation of the stores and baggage of General Clinton's brigade; performing both guard and fatigue duty. In October, 1780, as a private under Captain Van Slyck he marched to Schoharie in pursuit of Sir John Johnson, Brant and Butler, and in October, 1781, he went to Warren's Bush in pursuit of Major Ross and was with the troops at the West Canada Creek when Butler lost his life. A pensioner.
Barhydt, Jerone
Born in the Schenectady Township, October 28, 1764; died July 10, 1849. When called into the service he lived at the Norman's Kill. In 1779 he volunteered under Major Swits, 2d Albany County Militia, for the pursuit of Tories at the Heldebergh. In the fall of 1780 he enrolled under Captain Thomas Brower Banker and went with the troops under General Van Rensselaer in pursuit of Sir John Johnson. In the spring of 1781 he enlisted in the state troops. He served at the Middle Fort, Schoharie, and at the Upper Fort, where he took part in a battle with a party of Mohawk Indians under a Tory named Christler. After four months' service he again enlisted under Captain Banker and served to the end of the war. In the fall of 1781 he took part in the battle of Johnstown and went with the troops in pursuit of Walter Butler as far as the West Canada Creek. He performed considerable garrison duty at Schenectady and elsewhere. He received a pension which was later suspended and his widow's claim rejected.
Barhydt, John
Baptized January 7, 1739. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia
Barhydt, Lewis
Born in 1755; died March 7, 1829. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia. In August, 1780, he was in command of the guard at Schenectady.
Barhydt, Nicholas
Born November 12, 1744; died April 15, 1827. On February 10, 1776, he was elected second lieutenant in Captain Abraham Oothout's company, 2d Albany County Militia. He was spoken of as "an active, zealous and valuable officer, always ready when occasion offered to serve his country." In the fall of 1776, he took part in an expedition to Fort Edward, Fort Ann and Skenesborough, and in the summer of 1777, was with the Northern Army at Van Schaick's Island, Bemis Heights and Saratoga. On June 20, 1778, he was regularly commissioned second lieutenant, his commission being signed by Nathaniel Woodhull, president of the Provincial Congress. During the summer of 1778 he was on duty at the Schoharie Forts and in July at Fort Plain. In the spring of 1779 he again served at Fort Plain and in the fall at Stone Arabia. In the spring of 1780 he was ordered to Johnstown and there joined the forces under Colonel Gansevoort. In the fall of this same year he went on an expedition to Fort Hunter. He often commanded detachments on tours for the apprehension of Tories or on alarms when towards the end of the war the militia was frequently called out on short excursions. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia, Land Bounty Rights. His widow received a pension which was, after her death, transferred to her four children.
Barhydt, Teunis
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia. In 1778 he was enrolled under Captain Jesse Van Slyck.
Bartley, Daniel
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bartley, Michael
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bastian, John
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia. He served as a private under Captain John Mynderse and as a sergeant under Captain Thomas Wasson. In 1781 he was a member of Captain John Crousehorn's company of artillery.
Bates, David
On February 14, 1776, while serving as a lieutenant in the Line under Captain Gerrit S. Veeder in Colonel Cornelius D. Wynkoop's regiment, he was recommended for the office of second lieutenant in the company of Rangers to be formed under Captain John A. Bradt. He accepted this office, but on April 12 asked permission of the Committee to resign, stating that the men were mutinous and dissatisfied at Gerrit S. Veeder being appointed their captain instead of waiting for the return of Bradt. The next day Bates delivered his commission to the Committee but he was later induced to ask for its return and his request was granted with the admonition that he watch his future behavior.
Bearup, Andrew
He was enrolled under Captain John Mynderse, 2d Albany County Militia. In January, 1776, he took part in the expedition to Johnstown, and in the fall of 1777 in the campaign against Burgoyne. In the fall of 1779 he was on duty at Stone Arabia. He served as a batteau and fatigue man under both William Peters and Joseph Peek, and in the fall of 1780 was stationed at Saratoga. During the year 1781 or 1782 he is said to have served in the Levies under Colonel Willett. His widow received a pension.
Bearup, John
Probably from Princetown. His appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia. In the fall of 1779 he served under Captain Abraham Oothout in an expedition to Stone Arabia, acting as a substitute for Christopher Ward. In July 1782, he went on scout duty to Harpersfield. His widow's claim for pension was rejected.
Bearup, Thomas
He is buried on the old Blessing farm in Princetown about three hundred feet east of the house. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Becker, Gerrit
His name appears on the rolls of Albany County Militia.
Beekman, Jacob
Baptized August 9, 1761; died November 4, 1817. He lived on Washington Avenue. Towards the end of the war he was appointed captain of militia to succeed Captain John Van Patten, resigned.
Berkin, William
Born in "Old England." On September 1, 1781, he was reported a deserter from the Levies under Colonel Willett and was described as being five feet three inches in height, brown complexion, black hair and eyes and fifty-five years of age.
Bestedo, Clara
On January 18, 1776, she informed the Committee of Safety that she had some intelligence to communicate relative to the proceedings at Johnstown. She was examined under oath and her information forwarded to General Schuyler, who was then on his way there.
Beth, Jellis
Baptized August 11, 1751. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Beth, Robert
Baptized November 28 1742. In 1777 he was serving as an ensign in Captain Abraham Oothout's company, 2d Albany County Militia, and in the fall of 1780 was on duty at Caughnawaga.
Beth, Thomas
Baptized January 8, 1749. His name rs on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia and 2d Albany County Militia, Land Bounty Rights.
Boice (or Buys), Abraham
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Boice (or Buys), James
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bond, Richard
A complaint lodged against him with the Committee of Safety was dismissed on May 30, 1777, for lack of proof. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bonny, Ichabod
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia, Land Bounty Rights.
Bonny, John
Born in 1754; died September 3, 1832. He served in the Levies under Colonel Marinus Willett. A pensioner under the Act of June 7, 1832.
Bovie, Abraham
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bovie, Isaac
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bovie, Israel
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bovie, Jacob
Born in 1756. In March, 1776, while residing in Glenville he was pressed into the service as a teamster and required to make a trip to Montreal carrying baggage and sick soldiers. During the years 1776 and 1777 he served in Captain Abraham Van Eps's company, 2d Albany County Militia, and performed garrison duties on several occasions. In September, 1777, he marched with his company to Bemis Heights and was one of the picket guard during the battle. He served later at Ballston, Caughnawaga, Stone Arabia and the Schoharie Forts, generally on draft and under various officers.
Bovie, Nicholas P.
On August 25, 1776, he enlisted in Captain John A. Bradt's company of State Rangers also served during this year under Captain Gerrit S. Veeder. He was a familiar figure about Schenectady where he came to live several years after the Revolution. He was nicknamed "Sculpennick" or "Scalped Nick," for in July, 1777, he was shot, tomahawked and scalped by the Indians at Fort Stanwix. He was taken to the fort as dead by some of the soldiers. After recovering sufficiently to perform invalid duty, he again joined the army. His widow received a pension.
Bovie, Nicholas R.
Baptized August 26, 1744. In February, 1777, he enlisted at Schenectady in a company of batteaumen under Captain Reuben Symonds. He served on the North River and Saratoga Lake assisting in transporting artillery both before and at the surrender of Burgoyne. After this service he was ordered to Fort Stanwix with clothing and provisions. In March, 1778, he again enlisted at Schenectady in a company of batteaumen under Captain Cornelius Barhydt, and was discharged December 25, 1778. He subsequently served in the regiments under Colonels Du Bois and Visscher, and after the repulse of Sir John Johnson in the fall of 1780 he was one of the guards to pilot to Schenectady a boat containing a number of the wounded. A pensioner.
Bowman, Frederick
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bradford, James
Probably from Glenville. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bradt, Andries
On September 26, 1776, he enlisted in Captain John A. Bradt's company of State Rangers.
Bradt, Anthony D.
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bradt, Arent A.
Baptized January 9, 1762; died previous to 1809. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bradt, Arent S.
Born in 1743; died February 3, 1814. Buried in Vale Cemetery. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bradt, Charles
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bradt, Cornelius
Born April 21, 1762; died August 16, 1814. Buried in Vale Cemetery. He was enrolled in the company of Captain Jesse Van Slyck, 2d Albany County Militia. In the summer of 1777 he served in the campaign against Burgoyne and in the spring of 1778 in an expedition to Beaverdam under Captain Thomas Brower Banker. During the summer of this same year he was on duty at the Lower Fort Schoharie and in the fall one of the garrison at Fort Plain. In October, 1781, he marched under Captain John Van Patten in pursuit of Major Ross and Butler. His widow received a pension.
Bradt, Elias
Baptized September 14, 1756. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bradt, Ephraim
He was enrolled in the company of Captain Jellis J. Fonda, 2d Albany County Militia. During the summer of 1777 he served two months in the campaign against Burgoyne and in 1778 performed garrison duty at the Schoharie Forts, Fort Plain and Fort Paris. In May or June, 1779, he was with Captain Thomas Brower Banker under General Clinton, erecting fortifications at Sacandaga. From August to October, 1781, he was on guard duty at Claas Viele's Fort under Sergeant William Teller.
Bradt, Frederick
Baptized November 20, 1748. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia, Land Bounty Rights.
Bradt, Gerrit
His name appears on the rolls of the 2nd Albany County Militia.
Bradt, Jacobus
Born in 1730; died March 26, 1801. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bradt, Jacobus S.
Baptized June 9, 1745. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bradt, John A.
Baptized March 22, 1741. A silversmith. On July 10, 1775, he was recommended to the Provincial Congress for the office of captain in the recruiting service. On February 13, 1776, while absent on a trading expedition to Canada he was favorably considered by the Committee of Safety for the captaincy of a troop to be raised in the district. When approached by two members of the Board regarding the possibility of his accepting the office his wife stated that "she did not know when her husband would be home and that for her part she did not approve of his going into the army, though he always did as he pleased. She was of the opinion that he would not accept the commission [and] that he was ill used last year in that respect." This report evidently did not discourage the Board, for on the same day (February 14) he was assigned the captaincy in case the organization of the company could wait until his return. On April 10 Bradt had not yet returned and it was therefore decided to appoint Gerrit S. Veeder in his place. On May 7 he was elected a member of the third Committee of Safety, and on August 10 commissioned by the Provincial Congress captain of a company of State Rangers for service in apprehending Tories in Albany County. On October 26 he commanded a detachment for service at Coxsackie and on October 30 marched with his company to Tryon County under orders to report to Colonel Goose Van Schaick. From December 16, 1776, to January 15, 1777, he was stationed with his company at Fort Constitution and in January he petitioned Congress as the men complained that such duty was contrary to their terms of enlistment. On March 27 the company was ordered discharged. On April 19, he was granted a tavern license by the Committee of Safety. On May 20 the election of a new Board was held at his home.
Bradt, John S.
Born September 16, 1754; died October 19, 1804. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bradt, Mindert
Born in 1752; died June 7, 1806. A blacksmith. Buried in Vale Cemetery. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bradt, Samuel
Born August 22, 1715; died August 3, 1799. He served in the 2d Albany County Militia previous to July 8, 1777, on which date he was relieved from further duty as being "disordered in mind and in a bad state of health."
Bradt, Samuel S.
Baptized April 10, 1737. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bragham, John
Baptized October 16, 1743; died in 1820. He is buried on the Michael Brougham farm (now owned by Henry Raeger) in Princetown. The graveyard is about three hundred feet east of the house on the south bank of the creek. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bragham, Joseph
Baptized May 5, 1734. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Bragham, Simon
Baptized June 14, 1718; died before 1786. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Broachim, John
A farmer. On July 23, 1780, he was sent under arrest to Albany as being connected with a plot to join the enemy or supplying them with provisions. On August 10 he was released on bail.
Brower, Hendric
Born October 15, 1731; died December 11, 1801. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia and the 2d Albany County Militia, Land Bounty Rights.
Brower, Richard
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Brown, Abraham
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Brown, John
Enlisted from Schenectady under Captain John Graham, 1st New York Line.
Burnham, William
Born in 1760; died January 9, 1822. He served as a private in the Connecticut Line. A pensioner under the Act of March 18, 1818.
Burns, Arent
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Burns, David
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Cahill, John
Born in 1745; died March 1, 1822. On November 17, 1776, he enlisted for the war and was assigned to the 8th Company, 1st New York Line. He deserted on October 10, 1780.
Cain, Barent
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Cain, Peter Warren
Born in Warren's Bush, March 2, 1750. During the Revolution and after he lived in Glenville. In the spring of 1775 he enlisted for one month under Captain John Van Patten, 2d Albany County Militia. He then enlisted under Captain Cornelius Van Dyck in the New York Line, and served for nine months. He marched to Ticonderoga, Crown Point and the Isle Aux Noix. He was with the detachment that reduced Chamblee and fought at the siege of St. John's. In January, 1776, he took part in the expedition to Johnstown, and on his return mounted guard at Teunis Swart's Fort. In the fall of 1777 he served twenty-five days with the Northern Army as orderly sergeant under Captain Jobn Van Patten. Previous and subsequent to this service he volunteered in the company of batteaumen under Myndert Wemple and was employed in transporting supplies on the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers. He performed various garrison and fatigue duties and went on several tours for the apprehension of Tories. In 1780 he was stationed at the Highlands, in a fatigue company under Captain William James, and in October, 1781, was in the battle of Johnstown, marching with the detachment in pursuit of the enemy to the West Canada Creek. A pensioner under the Act of June 7, 1832.
Campbell, Alexander
A native of Scotland. He settled in Schenectady in 1762, later removed to Schoharie, but was again a resident of Schenectady on June 3, 1775, under orders never to return to Schoharie. In 1776 it being ascertained that he had warned Sir John Johnson of his danger, a mob burned his storehouse at Schoharie and later destroyed his store at Schenectady with goods and merchandise, "burning at the same time eight loads of hay and poisoning two milch cows." He was subsequently sent a prisoner to Connecticut, but on December 3 was permitted to return home on parole. In May, 1777, he was recommended to the field officers as "a dangerous person," and on May 3 was arrested to be taken to Albany but was released on his oath that he would take up arms in defense of the country in case of any invasion. On September 7, 1778, he refused to take the Oath of Allegiance, and requested permission of the Commissioners of Conspiracies to remove to Canada with his family. This request was granted and he was ordered to prepare himself to be removed on the shortest notice. He probably acted as a spy on various occasions, as his petition to the British Government for remuneration contains an item of 15 pounds 13 shillings, cash paid to sundry expenses in obtaining information of the situation of the Continental Army for Generals Burgoyne and Fraser.
Campbell, Daniel
Born September 19, 1730; died August 16, 1802. He came to Schenectady some time in the year 1754. He commenced business as an Indian trader with a pack on his back and at the commencement of the war was reputed to have amassed a considerable fortune. He lived in the house now known as 101 State Street, which was erected for him in 1762. He was an intimate friend of Sir William Johnson and in 1771 was one of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas for Albany County. On August 5, 1775, he was granted a permit by the Committee of Safety to go to Canada on private business. On April 17, 1776, he was refused a recommendation from the Board for permission to obtain a pass from General Schuyler "to forward goods up the country." In May, 1777, he was recommended to the field officers as "a dangerous person." On May 22 he voluntarily took an oath that he would take up arms in defense of the country in case of any invasion. On July 30 he was ordered arrested and to appear before the State Committee for refusing to receive Continental currency in payment of a debt. On May 1, 1778, he was brought before the Commissioners of Conspiracies "for speaking words that in the opinion of the Board might have a dangerous tendency and prove detrimental to the liberties of America." He was released on bail and on June 14, was cited to appear before the Committee to render satisfaction touching his conduct conformable to the Act regarding persons of a neutral and equivocal character. On July 17 he refused to take the Oath of Allegiance and was ordered to hold himself in readiness to be removed within the enemy's lines. On July 29 he requested a temporary suspension of the proceedings and on August 1 declared his readiness to take the Oath, but was not permitted to do so as the Act did not permit of the Oath being administered to one who had already refused to take it. He was ordered to be ready for removal on the fourteenth. On May 19, 1779, the Oath was administered to him in accordance with the provisions of the amended Act. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Campbell, Kenneth
Born in 1743. On January 23, 1777, he enlisted for the war and was assigned to Captain Henry Tiebout's company, 3d New York Line. He was later transferred to the company of Captain George Sytez. He was in Fort Stanwix when besieged, at the battles of White Plains and Monmouth and at the surrender of Cornwallis. A pensioner under the Act of March 18, 1818.
Canoot, John
On March 4, 1776, he was appointed an overseer of batteaumen by the Schenectady Committee of Safety for service at Lake George.
Carley, Joseph
Born in 1762; died April 23, 1842. On May 6, 1779, he was drafted for nine months' service and assigned to Captain John F. Hamtramck's company, 5th New York Line. He served in Sullivan's expedition against the Indians. At the expiration of the period for which he was drafted, in January, 1780, he enlisted for the war under Captain Henry Du Bois. He remained in this company until the winter of 1783, when he was transferred to Captain Hamtramck's company of light infantry connected with the same regiment. At the close of the war he was honorably discharged and given a badge of merit. A pensioner under the Act of March 18, 1818.
Cartwright, Henry
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Cartwright, John
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Cassada (or Cassety), John
He was enrolled in the company of Captain Jellis J. Fonda, 2d Albany County Militia, entering service some time in 1776. He served two months in the campaign against Burgoyne. In 1778 he was on duty near German Flats with State troops or Levies, and in the same year served at the Schoharie Forts and at Fort Plain. In the fall of 1781 he marched the troops in pursuit of Major Ross and Butler. widow received a pension.
Catlet, Thomas
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Celder, Abraham
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Ceron, Christopher
A joiner. On November 15, 1779, he went bail for Julius Bush.
Cessler, Thomas
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Channel, John
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Channel, Thomas
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Charles, Hendrick
Baptized May 30, 1731. On March 1, 1776, he signed an agreement with Philip Schuyler for service at Lake George and Ticonderoga. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Christiannse, Ahasueras
Baptized February 26, 1749. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia and the 2d Albany County Militia, Land Rights.
Christiannse, Isaac
Born in Schenectady, January 1, 1755, and lived here all his life. In the summer of 1775, he enlisted under Captain John Mynderse, 2d Albany County Militia, and served as a "minute man" until the spring of 1777 when Mynderse's company was disbanded and its members joined to the regular militia under Colonel Abraham Wemple. In January, 1776, he took part in the expedition to Johnstown, and during the summer was employed at Ticonderoga and near-by places erecting storehouses and aiding in the building of boats for the army. During the summer and fall of 1777 he was stationed at Fort Miller, Fort Ann and Fort Edward. He took part in the engagement at Snookkill and at Stillwater on September 19. In 1778 he performed garrison duty at the Upper Fort, Schoharie, under Captain Fink, and in 1779 was on duty at German Flats guarding farmers while they were bringing in their crops. In the fall of 1780 he marched to Ballston in pursuit of the enemy. A pensioner under the act of June 7, 1832.
Cilker, William
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Clark, Henry A.
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Clark, Matthis
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Clark, William
On April 19, 1777, he was granted a tavern license by the Committee of Safety, but later fell under suspicion of having bartered liquor for clothes with the soldiers. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Clement, Arent
Baptized April 8, 1722. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Clement, Eldert
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Clement, Johannes
Baptized September 24, 1732. On March 1, 1776, he signed an agreement with Philip Schuyler for service at Lake George and Ticonderoga. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Clement, Peter
Baptized February 22, 1761. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Clench, Ralph
Born in 1760; died January 19, 1828. A native of Schenectady, where he lived until the commencement of the war. He joined the British forces as a cadet in the 42d Regiment and for his conduct in the action which terminated in the surrender of General Burgoyne was commissioned and transferred to the 8th or King's Regiment. Shortly after, he was given a lieutenancy in Butler's Rangers and in this corps he served until its reduction in 1783.
Clench, Robert
Died during the latter part of 1781. He kept an inn on the south corner of State and Water Streets, which was spoken of as "a good house of entertainment." This house, which was one of those spared in 1690, was destroyed in the fire of 1819. On February 12, 1776, he was reported to the Committee of Safety for making some unbecoming expressions, which upon investigation were found not serious enough to warrant punishment. In May, 1777, he was recommended to the field officers as "a dangerous person." On May 22 he voluntarily took oath that he would take up arms in defense of the country in case of any invasion. On July 23, 1778, he was cited to appear before the Commissioners of Conspiracies to render satisfaction regarding his conduct conformable to the Act respecting persons of a neutral or equivocal character. On July 25 he requested time to consider taking the Oath of Allegiance and on August 1, the Oath was administered.
Clute, Bartholomew
Born in Schenectady, December 30, 1764. He lived here all his life. During the year 1778 and on various other occasions he performed garrison duty at Schenectady. In March or April, 1779, he enlisted in a company of artificers under Captain John Clute and served three months at Saratoga and other places in the vicinity. On this occasion he found a large twelve-inch brass mortar which had been buried by the British at the Surrender of Burgoyne. For this he was allowed a compensation by General Schuyler. During the summer of the same year he volunteered with a detachment of militia and Oneida Indians under Captain J. B. Vrooman. They marched to Schoharie and assisted in capturing a party of runaway Tuscarora Indians. In December, 178O, he enrolled under Captain John Mynderse, 2d Albany County Militia, and served in his company to the end of the war. On many occasions he acted as a scout and Indian spy. He was a member of Captain John Crousehorn's company of artillery. In the fall of 1781 he joined the troops inpursuit of Major Ross and Butler under the immediate command of Captain Thomas Brower Banker, marching as far as Caughnawaga, where he mounted guard for some time and then returned to Schenectady. A pensioner under the Act of June 7, 1832.
Clute, Daniel Toll
Born November 29, 1754; died July 25, 1815. Buried in Vale Cemetery. He was enrolled under Captain Jesse Van Slyck, 2d Albany County Militia, and in 1781 was a member of Captain John Crousehorn's company of artillery. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia, Land Bounty Rights.
Clute, Frederick
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Clute, Isaac
Born March 15, 1756. During the fall of 1777, he served near Fort Stanwix in a company of batteaumen under Captain Jacobus Peek. In 1778, as a private under Captain John Mynderse, 2d Albany County Militia, he performed garrison duty at Stone Arabia and also served as a batteauman at various places along the Hudson River under Captain Jacobus Peek. In 1779 he served at Saratoga in a company of artificers under the immediate command of Lieutenant-Colonel Christopher Yates, and in 1780 he marched to Ballston when it was attacked. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia, Land Bounty Rights.
Clute, Jacob
Born January 18, 1736. On April 1, l777, he was elected overseer of highways at Schenectady. name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia and in 1778 he was enrolled under Captain Jesse Van Slyck.
Clute, Jacob P.
Born in Schenectady, March 4, 1759; died January 16, 1848. In 1775 he was enrolled under Captain Jesse Van Slyck, 2d Albany County Militia. He served the whole of the year 1776 on guard duty at Schenectady. In the summer of 1777 he went on draft to Fort Edward, where, and at other posts, he performed six weeks' service. He was in the engagement at Snookkill. In 1778 he performed nine months' service in Captain Christopher Miller's company of artificers emmployed in constructing boats at Coeymans. During the spring and fall of 1780 he served with the troops against Sir John Johnson, and in October, 1781, with the troops under Colonel Willett against Major Ross and Butler. He was in the battle of Johnstown and went with the detachment that pursued the enemy to the West Canada Creek. On the return to the main army after Butler was killed a squad of thirteen became detached and "would have been lost in the woods if Jacob P. Clute had not been with them and being a perfect woodsman directed them through to the Mohawk River."
Clute, Jellis
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia and in 1778, he was enrolled under Captain Jesse Van Slyck. His name also appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia, Land Bounty Rights.
Clute, John
On August 12, 1777, he was serving as captain of a company of fatigue men and laborers. On December 9, 1777, he was elected constable at Schenectady and in 1779 was captain of a company in the Quartermaster's Department, having charge of the public blacksmiths serving at Saratoga.
Clute, John Baptist
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia. In 1778 he was enrolled under Captain Jesse Van Slyck. He also served under Captain Thomas Brower Banker. In August, 1782, he was on garrison duty at the Upper Fort, Schoharie, and in September of the same year on scout duty at Sacandaga. A pensioner under the Act of June 7, 1832.
Clute, John Curtiss
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Clute, John F.
Born in February, 1748; died July 22, 1805. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Clute, Peter
Born April 28, 1765; died July 7, 1835. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Combes, John
Baptized September 8, 1751. He served as a private and as a sergeant under Captain John Mynderse, 2d Albany County Militia.
Conan, Daniel
On March 4, 1776, he refused to go to Lake George as overseer of carpenters and batteaumen under General Schuyler.
Conde, Adam
Born September 25, 1748; died in Glenville, September 22, 1824. In 1770 he lived on the west corner of Church and Front Streets. He was probably enrolled under Captain Jesse Van Slyck. In 1776 he served at Saratoga in a company of fatigue men under Captain Jacob Vrooman. During the summer and fall of 1777 he was with Colonel Wemple's regiment on duty at Snookkill, Bemis Heights and other posts occupied by the American army. Late in the summer of 1778 he performed six weeks' garrison duty at the Lower Fort, Schoharie, and later six weeks' duty at Fort Plain. In the fall of 1779 he performed three months' garrison duty at Stone Arabia, and in October, 1781, he was on duty at Fort Hunter and other posts after Warren's Bush was destroyed.
Conner, Lancaster
On July 11, 1776, he was elected a member of the Committee of Safety and on April 1, 1777 was elected fire master at Schenectady. On June 15, 1779 he was again chosen a member of the Committee of Safety, His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia, Land Bounty Rights.
Conner, Simon
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Conover, Samuel
Born in Albany in 1759. He moved to Schenectady at the age of sixteen and went to live with John Mynderse in order to learn the blacksmith's trade. In May, 1777, he enlisted for four months under Captain John Mynderse, 2d Albany County Militia, and marched to Fort Edward. He was in the engagement at Snookkill. At Stillwater he was wounded in the ankle by the accidental discharge of a musket in the hands of one of his own company and this rendered him lame for the remainder of his life. He was honorably discharged a short time before the battle of Saratoga. In November, 1777, he was drafted, assigned to Captain Price's company, and detailed for guard duty at Albany. He remained there until March, 1778. In July, 1780, he volunteered under Colonel Volkert Veeder and marched to Schoharie, serving also during this year one month at Stone Arabia. A pensioner under the Act of June 7, 1832.
Consaul, David
Died previous to May 7, 1818. He served under Captains Jesse Van Slyck and John Van Patten, 2d Albany County Militia. In September, 1782, he went on scout duty to Mayfield and Sacandaga.
Consaul, Manuel
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Corl, Henry
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia and the 2d Albany County Militia, Land Bounty Rights.
Corl, John
Born in 1757; died April 24, 1842. Buried in Vale Cemetery. In the spring of 1775 he enlisted under Captain John Mynderse, 2d Albany County Militia. He took part in the expedition to Johnstown in January, 1776, and in March enlisted in Captain John Clute's company of fatigue men and served in it for one year. In the summer of 1777 he served under Captain John Mynderse with the Northern Army. He was at Bemis Heights. In the fall he enlisted and served in Captain James Peek's company of batteaumen employed in transporting provisions and ammunition from Schenectady to Fort Stanwix. In 1778 he performed garrison duty at the Schobarie Forts under Captain Walter Vrooman. In the fall of 1779 he mounted guard at Fort Paris and served with the troops under General Van Rensselaer at Fort Hunter. In 1780 he was engaged at Watervliet for the Continental Congress under Captain Bowman in cutting wood to make charcoal for the use of the blacksmiths and artisans of the army. In 1781 he was with the troops under Colonel Marinus Willett in the pursuit of Major Ross and Walter Butler. A pensioner.
Corl, William
Born in 1760; died March 19, 1848. Buried in Vale Cemetery. In the spring of 1776 as a substitute he marched to the Heldebergh under Captain John B. Vrooman, and in the fall of the same year he enrolled in the company of Captain Jesse Van Slyck, 2d Albany County Militia. In January, 1777, he was serving in a company of fatigue men under Captain Jacobus Peek. From July until the beginning of October (when he was taken sick and obliged to return home) he served with the Northern Army at Fort Edward, Stillwater, Fort Miller, Saratoga, Van Schaick's Island and Snookkill. During the years 1778 and 1779 he performed various scout and garrison duties. On January 1, 1780, he again enlisted in the company of batteaumen under Captain Jacobus Peek. In the fall of 1780 he took part in the expedition to Ballston.
Cornu, Daniel
Baptized December 21, 1740. His lot was on the north side of State Street, extending easterly from the present line of the canal. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia and he saw service under Captain Thomas Brower Banker.
Cornu, Wessel
Baptized March 18, 1764. On March 1, 1780, he enlisted in Captain Thomas Brower Banker's company, 2d Albany County Militia, commencing service in the garrison at Schenectady, serving there until about July 18, when his company was ordered to Beaverdam in pursuit of Tories. He served two weeks in each month from April to July in garrison at Schenectady. On August 1 he marched to Schoharie with a part of Captain Banker's and a part of Captain Mynderse's companies and there served one month guarding farmers while they harvested their crops. On September 1 he returned to Schenectady and served one week on garrison duty. He performed like service three weeks in October and two weeks in November. During 1781 he served in "minute service" under Captains Banker and Jesse Van Slyck, mostly at Schenectady, although he was sometimes called for scout duty along the line of the Mohawk River. In September he marched on an alarm some thirty miles to the north of Schenectady in pursuit of the enemy who retreated without an engagement; during this campaign Cornu was absent about one month, most of the time being quartered at Ballston. In October and November he served two weeks of each month in garrison at Sche. nectady, and in 1782 performed various garrison and scout duties, marching in July with a detail of forty men under Captain Gerrit S. Veeder to Fort Plain and Fort Plank to serve as guard while the crops were being harvested. A pensioner.
Covel, William
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Crawford, Alexander
He was enrolled under Captain Thomas Wasson, 2d Albany County Militia. On February 25, 1780, he was promoted to the rank of ensign.
Crawford, John
His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia.
Crawford, Joseph
He enlisted for nine months at Schenectady April 1, 1781, as a corporal under Captain Lawrence Gross, Colonel Marinus Willett's New York Levies. He was later promoted to the rank of sergeant and served as such until his discharge in December, 1781. His widow's claim for pension was rejected.
Crousehorn, John
He lived on the east corner of State and Jay Streets. He was a tanner by trade. In 1781 he was appointed captain of a volunteer company of artillery enlisted in Schenectady and consisting of fifteen men. To this company was particularly intrusted the cannon of Colonel Wemple's regiment.
Cummings, John
Buried August 25, 1801. On June 19, 1775, he enlisted under Captain Cornelius Van Dyck for the defense of Fort Ticonderoga. His name appears on the rolls of the 2d Albany County Militia enrolled under Captain Thomas Brower Banker.
Cuyler, Cornelius
A merchant. On May 26, 1775, he was appointed a member of the first Committee of Safety to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of John Sanders. On August 11 he was appointed to receive the "donation wheat for the poor of Boston," and on November 17 to draw up articles to be signed by the various officers before receiving their commissions. On December 29 he was one of the town's magistrates. On October 9, 1776, he was appointed by the Committee of Safety of the State of New York one of a committee in Albany County "to purchase all the coarse woolen cloth, linsey-woolsey, blankets, woolen hose, mittens, coarse linen, felt hats and shoes fitting for soldiers and to have the linen made up into shirts."
Cuyler, John
Enrolled under Captain Thomas Brower Banker, 2d Albany County Militia. On December 29, 1775, he was one of the town's magistrates. On February 10, 1776, he was elected a member of the Committee of Safety, and served as a member on several subsequent Committees. On April 1, 1777, he was elected assessor, and on June 7 appointed one of a committee to consult with the inhabitants of Tryon County regarding the election of governor. On June 15, 1779, he was chosen a member of the Committee of Safety and on July 9 appointed chairman of the Board to succeed Abraham Oothout resigned.

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