THE SCHENECTADY DIGITAL HISTORY ARCHIVE a service of the Schenectady County Public Library
Supervisors of the Town of Princetown, New York, 1798-1990
- 1798
- John Crawford
- 1799-1801
- George Staley
- 1802
- James Bradshaw
- 1803-1808
- George Staley
- 1809-1810
- Alexander Murray
- 1811-1814
- William Templer
- 1815
- Henry Fryer
- 1816-1819
- James Combs
- 1820
- Isaac Wemple
- 1821-1824
- Solomon Kelly
- 1825-1826
- Abram Dorn
- 1827-1828
- William Templer
- 1829-1830
- Solomon Kelly
- 1831
- Abram Dorn
- 1832
- David Murray
- 1833
- Daniel Darrow
- 1834-1835
- David Murray
- 1836-1837
- James Smeallie
- 1838-1839
- William Gifford
- 1840-1841
- Alexander Clogston
- 1842
- William Gordon
- 1843-1844
- John W. Shannon
- 1845-1846
- James Donnan
- 1847-1848
- James Templer
- 1849-1850
- James Weast
- 1851-1852
- John Robinson Jr.
- 1853-1854
- James McNee
- 1855-1856
- Samuel B. Bradshaw
- 1857-1858
- Andrew Kelly
- 1859-1860
- John Marlette
- 1861
- Thomas Passage
- 1862-1864
- Alexander Gifford
- 1865-1867
- William Dougall
- 1868-1869
- Andrew W. Wingate
- 1870-1874
- Walter Bradshaw
- 1875-1877
- Alexander Gifford
- 1878-1879
- John A. Taws
- 1880-1881
- Alexander Donnan
- 1882-1884
- James Weast
- 1885-1887
- Romine Robison
- 1888-1889
- Robert VanValkenburgh
- 1890-1891
- William J. Elder
- 1892
- Archibald B. Cullings
- 1893-1895
- Andrew J. Liddle
- 1896-1899
- John N.Jones
- 1900-1903
- Walter Bradshaw
- 1904-1907
- James H. Chisholm
- 1908-1909
- Christopher Hart
- 1910-1913
- William J. Turnbull
- 1914-1915
- George H. Blessing
- 1916-1917
- Milton Gregg
- 1918-1923
- Grover C. Darrow
- 1924-1933
- Robert H. Bradshaw
- 1934-1937
- Hiram Quay
- 1938-1939
- Wade Miller, Kenneth McKee
- 1940-1951
- Kenneth McKee
- 1952-1953
- Kenneth McKee, Harlen A. Gifford
- 1954-1957
- Harlen A. Gifford
- 1958-1968
- Arthur E. Fessenden
- 1969-1971
- Howard H. Livingston
- 1972-1977
- Evan D. Gray
- 1978-1981
- Benjamin Gabriele
- 1982-1987
- Harvey Nelson
- 1988-1990
- Robert Malczyk
- 1990
- Jeb Fuller
Source: Princetown: Portrait of a Town, by Irma Mastrean (Princetown Historical Society, 1990)
Updated 11/28/98

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