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Our Hall of Fame: Foreword

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[This information is from pp. 2-4 of Our Hall of Fame, a booklet produced in 1938 by what was then called the Schenectady Public Library. It is in the Schenectady Collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at Schdy R 920 S324, and copies are also available for borrowing.]

Schenectady Public Library Board of Trustees 1938



Few people realize how many distinguished men have at some time in their lives been residents of Schenectady. They won fame in the field of education and in mechanical and engineering lines and attained high positions of trust and responsibility in public life.

We have reason to be proud of them and of their achievements which can be traced to the education and training they secured in our city.

A local Hall of Fame is not only a suitable memorial by the citizens of today but a proper incentive to the younger generations.

William A. Wick, President, Schenectady Public Library

The citizens of Rome placed the images of their ancestors in the vestibule of their houses; so that, whenever they went in or out, these venerable busts met their eyes, and recalled the glorious actions of the dead, to fire the living, to excite them to imitate, and even to emulate their great forefathers. The success answered the design. The virtue of one generation was transfused, by the magic of example, into several: and a spirit of heroism was maintained through many ages of that commonwealth. — Bolingbroke

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