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Biographical Review: Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York
William T. Waddell

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[This information is from p. 63 of Biographical Review Volume XXXIII: Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York (Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1899). It is in the collection of the Grems-Doolittle Library of the Schenectady County Historical Society at 920 BIO.]

William T. Waddell, Supervisor of the town of Duanesburg, N. Y., was born where he now resides, son of William and Jane (McMillan) Waddell. His father, who is still living, was born near Edinburgh, Scotland, May 5, 1815, and his mother was born in Rotterdam, N. Y., about the year 1820.

William Waddell emigrated when nineteen years old, first locating in Rotterdam, and for a time he followed the tailor's trade. Turning his attention to agriculture, he came to Duanesburg over fifty years ago, and, purchasing the farm which his son is now cultivating, he tilled the soil successfully for the rest of his active period. Jane, his wife, became the mother of two sons, namely: James McMillan Waddell, a Civil War veteran, who is now a lumberman in the West; and William T., the subject of this sketch. Mrs. Jane M. Waddell died in June, 1891. William Waddell has been a Republican in politics since the formation of the party, and in his religious belief he is a Presbyterian.

William T. Waddell was educated in the common schools. From his youth upward he has made general farming his chief occupation, having assisted his father until taking the entire management of the property. Besides the original home farm of one hundred and six acres he owns ninety-five acres of adjoining land. He raises large and superior crops, and makes a specialty of breeding full-blooded Guernsey cattle and Shropshire sheep. His industry and progressive tendencies are displayed to excellent advantage, and his farm, which is desirably located, contains good, substantial buildings.

In 1871 Mr. Waddell married for his first wife Jennie Wilkins. She died in 1873, leaving one son, Samuel W., who married Elizabeth Mead, resides in this town, and has one son. In 1875 Mr. Waddell married for his second wife Louisa Schrade, a native of Duanesburg. By this union there is one son, Harry.

Mr. Waddell has long been prominently identified with local public affairs, having served as Inspector of Elections several years, Overseer of the Poor two years, Justice of the Peace six years, while he is now serving his sixth term as Supervisor, being indorsed by both parties. In politics he is a Republican. He belongs to St. George Lodge, No. 6, F. & A. M., of Schenectady. He has held all of the important chairs of Bethany Lodge, No. 524, I. O. O. F., and is a Past Master and now secretary of Empire Grange, No. 784, Patrons of Husbandry. He attends the Episcopal church.

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