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Biographical Review: Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York
Henry C. Getter

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[This information is from pp. 419-420 of Biographical Review Volume XXXIII: Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York (Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1899). It is in the collection of the Grems-Doolittle Library of the Schenectady County Historical Society at 920 BIO.]

Henry C. Getter, of Middleburg, N. Y., one of the leading lawyers of Schoharie County, was born on June 16, 1857. His father, David Getter, was born in Schoharie. His grandfather Getter, who was a native of Germany, came to this country when a boy, and settled at Central Bridge, Schoharie. He was an expert handicraftsman, and followed the trades of gunsmith and clock-maker. A large number of clocks made by him are still in running order. He lived to be ninety-eight years of age, and his mental faculties were well preserved to the last. His wife attained the age of ninety-three.

David Getter grew to manhood at Central Bridge, where he was born, and in his youth learned the trade of blacksmith. Coming to Middleburg when he was of age, he set up his forge, and, starting in business for himself, continued actively engaged over fifty years. For a long period his was the only smithy in the town. He was an abolitionist and a Republican in politics. His vote was the only one cast for Fremont in his district, and four years later he was one of three to vote for Abraham Lincoln. A reader and a thinker, he was highly respected as a man of sterling integrity and sound judgment, as well as of strong convictions and more than average self-reliance. In religion he was a devoted Methodist, for twenty years superintendent of the Sunday-school and for thirty-five years class leader. His house was a home for Methodist ministers who came that way, and many a weary circuit rider there found shelter and refreshment. David Getter married Harriet Efner, daughter of Harvey Efner, formerly of Palmer, Monroe County. She is still living, being now past eighty years of age. Her father lived to the age of ninety-three years, and was then next to the oldest Free Mason in the State. Mrs. Getter has three children now living; namely, Harvey, Jerome, and Henry C. Two — Charles and Madison — are deceased.

Henry C. Getter obtained his early education in the common schools, and at a private school taught by Professor James Edmondson, now principal of a college in Missouri. He studied law with Messrs. Sandford & Thorn, was admitted to the bar, and then went to Kalamazoo, Mich., and was there for a time with Briggs & Burroughs. Returning East, he formed in 1883 a partnership with William H. Engle, which still continues, this law firm being now the oldest in the county and Mr. Engle the oldest lawyer in the State. Besides doing a large amount of office work, they have an extensive practice in the various courts of the State, including the Court of Appeals.

Mr. Getter married Mary E., daughter of Albert Sawyer and grand-daughter of Dr. Moses Sawyer, formerly of Fulton. Her father was a farmer in Fulton. He died at the age of thirty-seven, leaving two children. Mr. and Mrs. Getter have one child, Jennie L., who is now in the high school. Mr. Getter resided in Fulton up to 1897, when he removed to Middleburg.

Mr. Getter is a Republican in politics. He has been candidate for District Attorney, for County Judge, and for Supervisor, and has assisted to reduce the Democratic majority in the county. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. of Middleburg. Mrs. Getter attends the Methodist church, and he contributes to its support.

[Editorial note: This entry was not returned to the author with corrections.]

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