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Biographical Review: Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York
John A. Ferguson

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[This information is from pp. 180-181 of Biographical Review Volume XXXIII: Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York (Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1899). It is in the collection of the Grems-Doolittle Library of the Schenectady County Historical Society at 920 BIO.]

John A. Ferguson, one of the best known farmers in Duanesburg, N. Y., was born in Princetown, in the same county, Schenectady, January 24, 1822, son of Duncan and Hannah Ferguson. The parents were natives of Princetown, and the paternal grandparents, John and Janet Ferguson, were natives of Scotland. John Ferguson emigrated prior to the Revolution, and he served as a soldier in that struggle. He was an early settler in Princetown, where he tilled the soil industriously for the rest of his active period, being one of the progressive farmers of his day. He and his wife lived to a good old age.

Duncan Ferguson, the father, was a lifelong resident of Princetown, and for many years he carried on general farming with prosperous results. In politics he was at one time a Whig, and later a Republican. His family consisted of eight children, two of whom are living, namely: John A., the subject of this sketch; and Duncan Ferguson, who resides at the homestead in Princetown. The others were: Thomas, Robert, Daniel, Jeanette, Ann, and Mary. The father lived to be eighty-two years old, and the mother died at about seventy-eight years old. They were members of the Presbyterian church.

John A. Ferguson was educated in the district schools of Princetown. In 1843, when twenty-one years old, he bought his first real estate, consisting of a farm of one hundred and fifty-five acres in Duanesburg, where he has since resided, and he is now the owner of other valuable lands. For a few years he was engaged in mercantile business at Esperance, Schoharie County; but general farming has been his chief occupation, and aside from growing the usual field and garden products of this locality, he raises cattle and sheep.

In 1844 Mr. Ferguson was joined in marriage with Elizabeth Humphrey, who was born in Charlestown, Montgomery County, in 1823, daughter of William Humphrey. Two daughters, Almira and Delia A., were born of this union, which lasted a little more than fifty years. Mrs. Ferguson died February 1, 1895.

Mr. Ferguson's farm contains substantial buildings. He is still cultivating it, and under his careful treatment it is made to yield large crops. His easy circumstances are the result of patient industry, and he possesses other excellent qualities which command the respect of all who know him. Politically, he acts with the Republican party. In his religious belief he is a Presbyterian.

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