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Biographical Review: Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York
Nicholas Bradt

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[This information is from pp. 69-70 of Biographical Review Volume XXXIII: Containing Life Sketches of Leading Citizens of Greene, Schoharie and Schenectady Counties, New York (Boston: Biographical Review Publishing Company, 1899). It is in the collection of the Grems-Doolittle Library of the Schenectady County Historical Society at 920 BIO.]

Nicholas Bradt, a prominent resident and representative of one of the oldest families of Woestina (Rotterdam Junction), N. Y., was born in this town, September 14, 1824, son of Abram N. and Maria (Vedder) Bradt. He is a descendant of Arent Andriese Bratt, or Brat, the first of the family to settle in Schenectady County, who died soon after his arrival here in 1662. He married Catalyntie De Vos, daughter of Andries De Vos, who was Deputy Director of Rensselaerwych. The first ancestor to locate in Rotterdam was Abram A. Bradt, who was an industrious farmer, and who died at Woestina. The maiden name of his wife was Sarah Van Patten. Nicholas A. Bradt, the grandfather of the subject of this biography, was born in Rotterdam, N. Y., August 15, 1773. He was in his younger days a blacksmith, but later turned his attention to farming, which he followed energetically for the rest of his active years. He was at one time Alderman from the Third Ward of Schenectady, Albany [later Schenectady] County, and also held minor offices. In politics he was a Jeffersonian Democrat. He died July 9, 1850. He married Margaret Mabee, who was born in Rotterdam in 1776, and died December 13, 1850. They were members of the Dutch Reformed church, and the grandfather was an Elder for more than twenty years.

Abram N. Bradt, the father above named, was born in Woestina, August 22, 1793. He was an able farmer and a leading citizen, serving as Supervisor in 1846 and filling other town offices. In politics he voted with the Democratic party. He was an active member and an Elder of the Reformed church. Maria, his wife, whom he married May 2, 1818, was born December 5, 1801. She became the mother of seven children, three of whom are living, namely: Jemima, who married John V. Van Patten, of Glenville; Nicholas, the subject of this sketch; and Harman Bradt, who resides in Petersburg, Va. The others were Margaret, Simon, Sarah, and a child that died in infancy. The mother died May 12, 1833; and the father, who survived her many years, died November 5, 1878.

Nicholas Bradt was educated in the district schools of Woestina, and working with his father acquired a good knowledge of general farming. He has made agriculture a profitable employment, and since 1860 has resided on the farm of one hundred acres which he is still carrying on with energy. He also owns the homestead farm, which contains the same number of acres, and he ranks among the well-to-do residents of this section.

On September 29, 1857, Mr. Bradt was united in marriage with Hester Bradt, who was born in Rotterdam, November 13, 1834. Mrs. Bradt became the mother of seven children, namely: Helen E., born February 15, 1862; Aaron Frank, born June 29, 1865; Margaret, born October 13, 1869; Elizabeth, born June 17, 1872, now the wife of Martin H. Schermerhorn; Simon V., born January 29, 1875; Maria, who married Simon V. Veeder, and died at the age of twenty-one years; and Abram, who died at the age of twenty-four. Mrs. Bradt died May 1, 1889.

Mr. Bradt has been a Trustee of the town, was an Assessor for some time, and has rendered efficient services in other town offices. Politically, he is a Democrat. He attends the Reformed church, and his children are members.

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