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New York State Civil War Muster Rolls:
Fourth Infantry Regiment, New York State Volunteers, Company I

[This information is from Vol. I, pp. 106-107 of A Record of the Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and Privates, of the Regiments which were organized in the State of New York and called into the service of the United States to assist in supressing the rebellion caused by the secession of some of the Southern States from the Union, A. D. 1861, as taken from the Muster-in Rolls on file in the Adjutant General's Office, S. N. Y., (Albany, N. Y.: Comstock & Cassidy, Printers, 1864). It is in the Reference collection of the Johnstown Public Library at LHR 973.7 N531, and page images may be viewed via the University of Michigan's Making of America project and Google Books. Some abbreviated names have been expanded and some of the formatting of the original may have been altered slightly for ease of reading.]

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Muster Roll of Captain John B. Houstain's (I) Company, in the 4th Regiment of New York Volunteer Militia, commanded by Colonel Edward McKean Hudson, called into the service of the United States by Proclamation of the President, from the 9th day of May, 1861, (date of this muster) for the term of two years, unless sooner discharged.

Names, Present and Absent
(Privates in Alphabetical Order)
RankAgeJoined for Duty and EnrolledTravelingValuation in Dollars, ofRemarks*
WhenWhereBy Whom EnrolledPeriodmiles to*miles from*HorsesHorse Equipments
Houstain, John B.Captain36May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Walsh, William1st Lieut.25May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Godfrey, George W.Ensign24May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Eagleston, Lewis1st Sergt.21May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Savage, WilliamSergeant19May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Brown, Anthony E.Sergeant25May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Myers, Peter D.Sergeant28May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Thompson, GeorgeCorporal22May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
White, JohnCorporal24May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Wood, FrancisCorporal25May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Mason, WilliamCorporal30May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Many, JosephusMusician16May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Strait, LeonardMusician15May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Atkinson, AlfredPrivate30May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Burk, EdwardPrivate42May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Burns, RobertPrivate19May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Barry, JohnPrivate31May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Brole, JohnPrivate19May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Brown, Thomas J.Private21May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Carpenter, Van BurenPrivate21May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Cummings, JamesPrivate19May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Cummings, JohnPrivate20May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Crane, Charles E.Private34May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Costley, ThomasPrivate26May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Cavanagh, PatPrivate28May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Caraher, ThomasPrivate28May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Cornelius, WilliamPrivate21May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Cornell, JohnPrivate23May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Franklin, JohnPrivate28May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Flinn, DanielPrivate21May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Grimshaw, DanielPrivate28May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Godfrey, James A.Private21May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Gouge, GeorgePrivate20May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Hunt, JamesPrivate23May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Hocks, FrederickPrivate34May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Hendricks, JohnPrivate22May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Hill, SimonPrivate18May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Hearn, JohnPrivate33May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Johnson, StephenPrivate22May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Johnson, RobertPrivate19May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Johnson, ThomasPrivate18May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Johnson, JamesPrivate20May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Keener, JohnPrivate22May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Keeler, MichaelPrivate20May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Kendall, JamesPrivate39May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Kemp, FrankPrivate19May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Lappe, TheodorePrivate23May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Lowery, ThomasPrivate20May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Lang, WilliamPrivate19May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Lee, WilliamPrivate24May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Lennon, JohnPrivate22May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Montgomery, CharlesPrivate20May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Madden, JamesPrivate25May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Murphy, PeterPrivate25May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
McDonald, JohnPrivate29May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Needle, GeorgePrivate42May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Nicholas, FrederickPrivate32May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Nelson, JohnPrivate23May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Pousen, JohnPrivate27May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Pheany, IrenusPrivate19May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Pheany, IagoPrivate36May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Percamer, MichaelPrivate28May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Parrle, HenryPrivate20May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Robinson, JohnPrivate25May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Rayner, WilliamPrivate19May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Ragan, JohnPrivate27May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Speck, RobertPrivate24May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Shields, HenryPrivate23May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Skedmore, IsaacPrivate18May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Sangroff, JohnPrivate29May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Storms, AbrahamPrivate18May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Smith, SamuelPrivate30May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Story, PeterPrivate22May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Smith, PeterPrivate30May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Storms, Robert H.Private36May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Taylor, WilliamPrivate18May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Tobois, WilliamPrivate20May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Ulster, PeterPrivate22May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
White, FrancisPrivate22May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Waters, WilliamsPrivate20May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Williams, JacobPrivate23May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     
Wood, JohnPrivate38May 9, 1861N. York CityJ. B. Houstain2 years     

I certify, on honor, that this Muster Roll exhibits the true state of Captain John B. Houstain's (I) company of the 4th Regiment New York Volunteer Militia, for the period herein mentioned; that each man answers to his own proper name in person; and that the remarks set opposite the name of each officer and soldier are accurate and just.

Capt. John B. Houstain, Commanding the Company

Date — May 9, 1861.  Station — Arsenal, Central Park, N. Y. City.

I certify, on honor, that I have carefully examined the men whose names are borne on this Roll, their horses and equipments, and have accepted them into the service of the United States for the term of two years from this 9th day of May, 1861.

S. B. Hayman, Capt. 7th Infantry, Mustering Officer

Date — May 9, 1861.  Station — New York.

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