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[This information is from Vol. I, pp. 79-80 of Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, edited by Cuyler Reynolds (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1911). It is in the Reference collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at R 929.1 R45. Some of the formatting of the original, especially in lists of descendants, may have been altered slightly for ease of reading.]

(II) Hendrick G. Lansing, son of Gerrit (1) Lansing (q. v.), was born in Holland, was in Albany as early as 1666, died July 1, 1709. He married Lysbeth ————, and had five children.

(III) Jacob Hendrick, son of Hendrick G. and Lysbeth Lansing, died October 17, 1756. He married, September 20, 1701, Helena, daughter of Frans Janse and Alida Pruyn, and had ten children.

(IV) Abraham Jacobus, son of Jacob Hendrick and Helena (Pruyn) Lansing, was baptized April 24, 1720. He was the ancestor of the Lansings of Lansingburg and Troy, and the founder of the village of Lansingburg now consolidated with and a part of the city of Troy. He died October 9, 1791. The farm on which Lansingburg is built he bought from the heirs of Johannes Wendell, June 21, 1763, for 300 pounds. It is remarkable to learn that Peter Van Woggelum, who sold the site of Troy to the Vander Heydens, also sold to Johannes Wendell the site of Lansingburg in 1683. Now the two cities are united and the two families, Lansing and Vander Heyden, have intermarried in several generations. Abraham J. Lansing, married, about 1745, Catharine, daughter of Levinus and Catryna (Van der Bergh) Lieverse.

(V) Levinus, son of Abraham J. and Catharine (Lieverse) Lansing, was baptized August 6, 1749. He married and had a son, Abraham L.

(VI) Abraham Levinus, son of Levinus Lansing, was born in Lansingburg, New York, 1774, died September, 1836. He was a man of means and conducted a large farm near Lansingburg, living in the town. He married, January 22, 1810, Anna Vander Heyden, born January 23, 1782, died September 22, 1855, at Lansingburg, only child of Nanning and Catherine (Leversee) Vander Heyden. They had eleven children (see Vander Heyden VI).

(VII) Nanning Vander Heyden, fourth child of Abraham Levinus and Anna (Vander Heyden) Lansing, was born in Half Moon, Saratoga county, New York, May 17, 1806, died in Troy, New York, May, 1862, He was a farmer of Half Moon many years, then removed to Troy, New York, where he engaged in the ice business. He retired from business for several years prior to his death. he was a Democrat in his political views, but was not an active party man. He married Jane Eliza, born in Castleton, New York, 1816, died in Troy, September, 1876, daughter of Philip and Dorcas (Sheldan) Finkle, of Vermont.

(VIII) Catherine Vander Heyden, eldest child of Nanning Vander Heyden and Jane Eliza (Finkle) Lansing, was born in Lansingburg, New York, March 26, 1835. She married, July 14, 1868, John William McPherson, born in Portland, Maine, in the United States barracks, May 15, 1834, died at Lansingburg, New York, January 8, 1896. He was a carriage trimmer in the Lansingburg factory; was first employed in Troy. He was an exceedingly quiet and retiring man, not inclined to make friends easily, but when once made his friendships were lasting. Children:

  1. Catherine, died in infancy.
  2. Charles Lansing McPherson, born December 10, 1874, died July 22, 1882.

(The Vander Heyden Line)

Jacob Tyssen Van Der Heyden, tailor, came from New Amsterdam to Beverwyck in 1654, having emigrated to New Amsterdam the previous year from Holland. He was over sixty years of age in 1676. He married, July 25, 1655, in Amsterdam, Holland, Anna Hals. They had one son, Dirk.

(II) Dirk, son of Jacob T. and Anna (Hals) Van Der Heyden, "Tapper" of Rensselaerwyck, on June 2, 1707, bought of Pieter Pieterse Van Woggelum, his farm extending from the Poesten Kill to the Piscawen Kill. The title was confirmed to Dirk Van Der Heyden, December 15, 1720, by Maria and Hendrick Van Rensselaer, two of the executors of Killiaen Van Rensselaer, the second patroon of that name. He was required, as also were his heirs and successors, to pay an annual ground rent on the farm in lieu of all other dues of three and three-fourths bushels of wheat, and two fat hens or capons, to the patroon of Rensselaerwyck. The farm is now the site of the city of Troy, founded in 1790, one hundred years later, 1890, with a population of 60,000. In 1731 he deeded the property to his three sons: Jacob, David and Mattys. David released his share and conveyed his interest to his brother Jacob; Mattys and Jacob then partitioned the farm, April 3, 1739, into three parts, Jacob retaining the middle and northern parts, and Mattys the southern division. On the death of Jacob in 1746, his son Dirk came into possession of the middle and northern farms. Dirk conveyed to his brother Jacob "two full, equal, just, fourth parts" of the "two certain tracts of land. On the death of Dirk in 1775, Jacob D. Van Der Heyden inherited the middle farm, Jacob I. and Mattys Van Der Heyden owning the northern and southern farms. The middle farm, between the lines of Grand and Division streets, was watered on its eastward side by a stream flowing from the hill, east of the line of Federal street, and running southward to the Poesten Kill along the line of Sixth street. An orchard of old apple trees was on the bank of the river between the lines of Congress street and Broadway. A road from the country crossed the farm on the line of Congress street.

The Van Der Heyden homestead, a strongly constructed two-story weather-boarded building, stood on the east side of the River road where now is the New York State Armory. It was opposite the ferry which for many years was a source of income to the family. The one-story brick dwelling of Jacob I. Van der Heyden stood on a rise of ground not far north of the Hoosac Road. It was built in 1756, one hundred feet south of the southern limits of the middle farm, and on the east side of the River road was the one-story and a half brick dwelling built in 1752 by Mattys Van Der Heyden. It was not until 1787, that Jacob D. had a plot of sixty-five acres of the "middle farm" laid out into streets and alleys and gave to the projected village the name of "Vanderheyden." This name it bore until 1789, when the more classical name of Troy was substituted by the freeholders of the village, much to the disgust of the Vander Heyden family. Jacob D. was sorely offended and for years thereafter continued using the former name in his conveyances, writing it "Vanderheyden alias Troy."

Dirk Van Der Heyden, the "original proprietor," married Rachel Jochemse Ketelmyn, March 9, 1687. He was buried October 13, 1738.

(III) Jacob, son of Dirk and Rachel Jochemse (Ketelmyn) Vander Heyden, was buried April 10, 1746. He was one of the three sons to whom was deeded the site of Troy and owned the middle and northern section. He married Hester Visscher.

(IV) Jacob (2), son of Jacob (1) and Hester (Visscher) Vander Heyden was baptized June 19, 1720. He succeeded to the ownership of the "Northern and Middle" farms which he received from his brother Dirk "two full, equal, just, fourth parts" of the "two certain tracts of land." He married Maria Halenbeck. Children: Jacob, Nanning, Manning, Dirk and Maria.

(V) Nanning, son of Jacob (2) and Maria (Halenbeck) Vander Heyden, was baptized February 24, 1754. He married Catherine Leversee and had a daughter Anna, born January 23, 1782.

(VI) Anna, daughter of Nanning and Catherine (Leversee or Levison) Vander Heyden, married Abraham Levinus Lansing (see Lansing VI).

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