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Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs:

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[This information is from Vol. II, pp. 924-925 of Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, edited by Cuyler Reynolds (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1911). It is in the Reference collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at R 929.1 R45. Some of the formatting of the original, especially in lists of descendants, may have been altered slightly for ease of reading.]

The great-grandfather of the present generation of the Fairweathers of Troy (the fourth), was of Scotch birth and ancestry, his native town being Dundee. He came to the United States before his marriage and founded the family now of Troy and Saratoga county, New York.

(I) David Fairweather was born in Dundee, Scotland, where he grew to manhood. In 1824 he emigrated to the United States and for a time was engaged in the wool business; later he bought a farm in the town of Milton, Saratoga county, New York, which he operated until his death in 1881, aged eighty-six years. He married Sarah Gilchrist, born in Scotland, died in West Milton, New York, in 1878. Children:

  1. Alexander Andrew, see forward.
  2. James, unmarried.
  3. David, a farmer of Charlton, Saratoga county, New York; married Emma Doremus; children: Horace, Kate and Nina.
  4. John, a farmer of Galway; married Ella Caldwell.

(II) Alexander Andrew, eldest son of David and Sarah (Gilchrist) Fairweather, was born in Schagticoke, Rensselaer county, New York, January 27, 1844. He was educated in the public schools and at an academy. He began his business life as a clerk in a store in Ballston, New York, remaining there eight years. After spending two years in Troy, New York, he returned to Ballston. He spent three years as salesman for P. M. Marston, of Troy, the site of that store being now occupied by the State Street Methodist Episcopal Church. In company with M. H. Williams he formed the grocery firm of Fairweather & Williams, which continued in business on River street, Troy, for three years, when Mr. Fairweather sold his interest to Mr. Williams, and started a wholesale commission and grocery business at 380 River street, Troy. In 1876 he disposed of this business by sale, and was for three years traveling salesman for Grace, Payn & Company, and then for twelve years with Wing Brothers & Hart, of Albany, New York, in the same capacity. For a time subsequent he was connected with a New York firm. Subsequently he retired from the road and settling in Troy, New York, devoted himself to the successful prosecution of a real estate and insurance business founded and carried on by himself. He has been for many years interested in the management of the Commercial Travellers Association of Utica, New York, serving in various official capacities, and is now second vice-president or president. He is a loyal member of the Universalist church, serving as trustee, and was superintendent of the Sunday school. He married, in 1869, Mary Frances Ogden, born in Troy, New York, 1849, daughter of James Ogden, who died in 1856. Children:

  1. Dr. Harry, born in Troy, New York, June 12, 1873, died April 8, 1909; he was educated in the Troy public schools and the academy, graduating from John Hopkins School, Baltimore, Maryland, April 14, 1896; he prepared for the practice of medicine at Albany Medical College, where he was graduated M.D., October 24, 1898; he began the practice of his profession in Troy and had promise of a life of brilliant performance in his profession; in his young manhood he had been for five years a member of Troy's famous volunteer fire department, and on hearing an alarm he went to the scene of the fire; his firemen's instinct prompted him to assist his former associates, and while on a ladder it gave way, precipitating him to the ground with such force that he sustained a fracture which resulted in death. He married, January, 1906, Rosella C., daughter of James Higgins, of Troy, and had one son, James Fairweather.
  2. Lola Isabel, born 1880, died in infancy,
  3. as also did the third child.

Mrs. Fairweather is a daughter of James and a granddaughter of John Ogden, born in England, came to America, settling first in Canada, and later at Albany, New York. He married Phoebe Vermilion. Children: Benjamin, Edward, Robert and James, all born in Albany. James Ogden, the youngest son, was born in 1805, died in 1856 at Troy, New York, where he was engaged in the drug business and also conducted a bakery. He married Isabella Pollock, born in Charlton, Saratoga county, New York, in 1815, died in Troy, in 1876. Children:

  1. Henry P., married Martha Wilbur.
  2. Emma Elizabeth, unmarried.
  3. Phoebe V., deceased; married Elisha Powell, of Troy.
  4. Mary Frances (Mrs. Fairweather).
  5. Sarah, deceased.

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