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Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs:

Index to All Families | Index to Families by County: Albany, Columbia, Fulton, Greene, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharie, Warren, Washington

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[This information is from Vol. IV, pp. 1774-1775 of Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, edited by Cuyler Reynolds (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1911). It is in the Reference collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at R 929.1 R45. Some of the formatting of the original, especially in lists of descendants, may have been altered slightly for ease of reading.]

Peter Close was a manufacturer of scythes in the town of Mayfield, Fulton county, New York. He married Mary A., daughter of Nathaniel and Cynthia (Wood) Brown. Nathaniel Brown was a prosperous farmer of Fulton county, a member of the Society of Friends, locally known as "Quaker" Brown. Children of Peter and Mary A. Close:

  1. Abram B., of whom further.
  2. Isaac, married Almeda Huntley; children: George and Hewson.
  3. Darwin, married Eunice Pierce; children: Peter, Sherman, Corey and Anna.
  4. Cynthia, married George Potter, of the United States army; child, Mary.
  5. Emily, married Henry Piper, removed to the west.
  6. Delia, married James Kelly, of the United States army; child: James (2).
  7. Erwin, married Jemima Laird; child, Frank.
  8. Mary Etta, married Edward Stewart; child, Daniel.
  9. Harriet, married Charles Childs; children:
    1. Clara, married Baltrus Dickson;
    2. Edward;
    3. Kate.

(II) Abram B., son of Peter and Mary A. (Brown) Close, was born in Mayfield, Fulton county, New York, September 16, 1827, died December 27, 1900. He received a good education and at the age of eighteen began to learn the art and trade of glovemaking. About 1851 he engaged in mercantile pursuits and for half a century was a merchant of Mayfield. His first partner was John Brown, later Amos Christie, the firm being Close & Christie. In 1869 they engaged in the manufacture of gloves and mittens and continued in successful operation until the death of Mr. Close. In 1887 their store was destroyed by fire, but was at once replaced with a large brick block accommodating store and factory. After the death of Mr. Close this block was sold to Eugene Heacock. He was a most successful business man and stood high in the commercial world. He was constantly in the service of the public. For thirty-three years he was postmaster of Mayfield, and for seventeen years justice of the peace and notary public. He was Republican in politics, always taking an active part. He was a member of the Society of Friends, his wife being a Methodist. He died very suddenly and was sincerely mourned. He married, January 5, 1852, Harriet, born December 3, 1828, daughter of John and Mary A. (Woodworth) Hollenbeck. She survives him, a resident of Mayfield. Children:

  1. Mary A., born December 25, 1857, died October 9, 1894; married George M. Woodworth.
  2. John P., born June 22, 1859; married Eliza Goodemate; child, Mary Inez.
  3. Hattie J., born August 5, 1862; married Alva O. Seeley; children: Beatrice and Wayne D.

Harriet (Hollenbeck) Close descends from Peter Hollenbeck, of Holland. The name is variously spelled Hallenbeck, Hollenbeck, Hellenbeck, etc. Peter was a shoemaker; married Alma Fonda and had an only son, John, who was a farmer, school teacher and notary public, transacting business for the entire community. His father, Peter, was a Presbyterian and many of the family were Friends. John was a Christian and lived an honorable, manly life but was not connected with any special denomination. He married Mary, daughter of Sela and Rebecca (Deenham) Woodworth. John and Mary Hollenbeck had four children:

  1. John, married Hannah Brownell and had Horace and Frank, who survive, five being dead.
  2. Mary Ann, married Orville Brown; children:
    1. Edward,
    2. Harriet, married Granville Baker,
    3. Sela, married Brown Hollenbeck,
    4. George.
  3. Harriet, married Abram B. Close.
  4. Sela, married Caroline Denny.

Sela Woodworth, maternal grandfather of Harriet (Hollenbeck) Close, came to Mayfield during the troublous Indian times during the revolution and took up land near the fort that stood on the present site of the Johnstown jail, seeking the shelter of the fort when danger threatened. His father was killed by Indians who shot him from ambush. Sela's wife, Rebecca, shared these dangers with him and on one occasion fled with her babe in arms to the sheltering forest, leaving the house which a band of Indians was approaching. They tried to fire the house but failed. Her father, Ebenezer, was killed by Indians while plowing in his fields. They cut off his head and fastened it to the horns of the oxen, who came home to be fed bearing their ghastly burden and the first news to the family that the father and husband was dead. But these times of danger passed and in quieter time Sela Woodworth reared his family. He was a good man as well as a brave one and became one of Mayfield's leading men. He donated the ground on which the Mayfield church is built, and there his granddaughter, Mrs. Close, has erected a tablet to his memory. Among her treasures is a clock owned by Sela that passed through the perilous times recorded. Mrs. Close has long since passed her allotted "three score years and ten" and is almost the last of her generation. She inherited the vigor, tenacity and brave spirit of her pioneer ancestors, who amid scenes of peril and death laid broad and deep the foundations for the prosperity that now surrounds her.

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