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Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs:

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[This information is from Vol. III, pp. 1254-1255 of Hudson-Mohawk Genealogical and Family Memoirs, edited by Cuyler Reynolds (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1911). It is in the Reference collection of the Schenectady County Public Library at R 929.1 R45. Some of the formatting of the original, especially in lists of descendants, may have been altered slightly for ease of reading.]

This record of the Berhaupt family begins with the year 1825, in Würtemburg, Germany, where the family were seated many generations prior to that date. They were not only an old family, but were a well-known and respected one. They were tradespeople, mechanics and farmers in their native land, thrifty and industrious.

(I) August Berhaupt was born in Würtemburg, Germany, in the year 1825, of highly respected German forbears. He was educated in the German schools and was a man of good mental attainments. After leaving school he learned the trade of painter, and was unusually expert in the branch known to the trade as "hard finishing." He married, in Würtemburg, Francesca Bauer, from a long line of German ancestors. Very soon after their marriage August and his young bride decided to start life in the United States, where they were assured more favorable conditions existed for them. They left Germany in 1857, and after the usual sailing vessel voyage of that period arrived at Castle Garden, New York City. They had friends in Albany, New York, and continued their journey to that city at once. After settling in a home there, August found employment at his trade with the Gould Manufacturing Company of Albany, remaining with them several years. In course of time the thrifty couple had accumulated a surplus which was wisely invested. Leaving the Gould Company he went with John Christler, a house painter and decorator, with whom he was associated for thirty-five years. Was also in business for himself in a small way until his death, December 25, 1891. He was a good citizen and well known in the German community of Albany. He was of a social, friendly nature, and prominent in the German societies, being one of the founders of the Constater Volks Verein, which organization ceased to exist with the death of the members. He was connected with the German branch of the Improved Order of Red Men, and took some part in local affairs, acting with the Republican party. He and his wife were members of the Catholic church. Children:

  1. Anna, married Sylvester Shock, who survives her, a resident of Albany, and has sons Henry and William Shock, residents of Albany.
  2. Catherine, married John Conover, and has a son Harold Conover.
  3. August J., see forward.
  4. Frederick, was twice married: both wives, children and the father are deceased.
  5. Creissia, died in childhood.
  6. Louis, deceased, as are both of his wives.
  7. Catherine, married Charles A. Neubauer, of Saranac Lake, New York, and has sons Charles, Louis and Ignatius Neubauer.
  8. Louise, married William Southwell, of Albany, and has daughters Frances and Anna Southwell.

Mrs. Francesca (Bauer) Berhaupt died in Albany in June, 1908, a faithful wife and a good mother.

(II) August J., second son of August and Francesca (Bauer) Berhaupt, was born in Albany, New York, June 29, 1859. He was educated in the Albany schools, and has spent his life in that city, a resident of the first ward. In 1876 he began learning the trade of paper hanger and decorator. He was employed for twenty years with the same firm, after which he began business in the same line on his own account. In March, 1899, he established a business at 300 South Pearl street, where he carries his stock of wall furnishings and conducts his office business. He has gained an enviable reputation in the city and has succeeded in acquiring a substantial competency. His reputation as a dealer in reliable high-grade goods is well established and his workmen are men of skill and experience. His residence is on Teunis street, where he has a handsome home. He is an active member of Our Lady Help of Christians, Roman Catholic church, as are all his family, and of the various benevolent societies of the church. Politically he is a Republican.

He married, September 21, 1882, Catherine Colling, born and educated in Albany, daughter of Mathias and Henrietta (Van Hagen) Colling. Mathias Colling was born in Germany; learned the trade of moulder; came to the United States when a young man; engaged in business in Albany where he now lives a retired life at the age of seventy-two years (1910). Henrietta Van Hagen, his wife, was born in Holland. She died 1906. They were the parents of twelve children, four of whom are yet living.

  1. Catherine, married August J. Berhaupt.
  2. John, married and has a daughter Catherine.
  3. Elizabeth, married Albert Fox, of Albany, and has a daughter, Anna Fox.
  4. Edward, of Albany, unmarried.

August J. and Catherine (Colling) Berhaupt were the parents of eleven children, five of whom died young: Henrietta, Catherine, John, Charles and Joseph. The living are:

  1. Anna M., born January 2, 1885, educated in the school of Our Lady Help of Christians, and actively employed in her father's place of business, acting as principal in his absence.
  2. Mathias C., born February 11, 1888; educated in the parochial and public schools; engaged with his father in business; married, September 22, 1909, Sophia Dussault, of Albany, educated in the public schools of Albany.
  3. Elizabeth C., born July 29, 1891; educated in private and public schools of Albany.
  4. Edward, born October 17, 1894.
  5. Augustus E., born November 2, 1899.
  6. Louise, born July 1, 1901.

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