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Baseball Advertising Trade Cards 3rd edition

[This information is from p. 2 of Baseball Advertising Trade Cards 3rd edition, copyright 2011 by Frank Keetz and is reproduced here with his permission. No part of this material may be reproduced for commercial purposes without the written consent of the author.]

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This checklist-booklet is written by a baseball, not a trade card, memorabilia collector. Consequently, it reflects both the strengths and weaknesses of that fact. To the baseball memorabilia collector, baseball advertising trade cards are a very specialized small fringe category. Since most of these trade cards come from the 19th century, they are an interesting view of baseball history and collecting. There was very little information about baseball advertising trade cards per se in 1980, which was a major reason for publishing "Baseball Comic Advertising Trade Cards," a 34-page checklist-booklet, at that time.

That checklist-booklet was a start. Over 180 different baseball advertising trade cards were catalogued in that endeavor and 24 sets were identified. A second edition, published in 1997, almost doubled those numbers to 334 cards and 40 sets. With this 2011 third edition, the number of identified "discovered" cards passes 400. And it is inevitable that even more will "turn up" in the future.

The original 1980 checklist-booklet was a modest and very difficult start when there was not too much knowledge or interest among collectors of baseball advertising trade cards. The appearance of the second edition and this third edition illustrates the significant growth in interest by collectors of both baseball memorabilia as well as trade cards.

Many collectors and dealers of baseball advertising trade cards contributed information which was helpful in publishing the first two editions of this booklet. Some have continued notification of discoveries through the years. To them and especially Dan DePalma, Eldon Mohler, and Ron Schieber, I give my sincere appreciation for their aid in doing this third edition.

Bonnie Ausfeld was both patient and accommodating while performing typing, scanning and layout services.

E. R. Coburn and Company baseball advertising card

View enlarged E. R. Coburn and Company card

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You are here: Home » Baseball » Baseball Advertising Trade Cards » Introduction updated March 30, 2015

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