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Coroner's Reports
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Schenectady County, New York Coroner's Reports 1860-1869


To the Board of Supervisors of the County of Schenectady:

The undersigned, one of the Coroners of the county of Schenectady, begs leave to report:

That during the year eighteen bundred and sixty, he has held Inquests on the bodies of nine persons, and that he found on the body of John Yout, a comb and razor, of no value, and gave the same to William Barker; no other property found on the body.

That on the body of James Cartwright, he found one two-foot rule and fourteen cents, and gave it to the friends of deceased; and that there was no other property.

The undersigned would further report, that there was no property of any kind or of value found on any other person.

City of Schenectady, ss.

Andrew Peters, Coroner of Schenectady County, being duly sworn, says the foregoing report is a full and true statement of all monies and valuable things by him received by virtue of his office as Coroner, during the year 1860.


Sworn before me, this 3d day of December, 1860.

ALLAN H. JACKSON, Com. of Deeds.

Statement and Inventory of all monies and other valuable things found with or upon all persons upon whom inquests have been held by and before me, A. Lighthall, one of the Coroners in and for the county of Schenectady, for and during the year commencing the first day of January, 1860:

Property found on the body of Richard Horsfall, May 3, 1860: One port monie, containing five dollars and eighty-eight cents; one pocket book, containing papers; and one knife; being all the property found on the body of Richard Horsfall. Delivered to the County Treasurer.

Property found on the person of E. G. Cherry: One wallet, containing sixty-five cents and some papers; one watch, chain, and seal; one rule; one knife; one handkerchief; one bunch of keys; one shirt front and collar; being all the property found on the person of E. G. Cherry.

A. LIGHTHALL, Coroner.
City of Schenectady, ss.

A. Lighthall, Coroner of Schenectady County, being duly sworn, says the foregoing is a full and correct statement of all monies and valuable things by him received by virtue of his office as Coroner.


Sworn before me this 3d of December, 1860.

J. S. LANDON, Com. of Deeds.

On motion, the foregoing reports of Coroners were received and ordered filed.

Source: Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Schenectady, A. D. 1860, p. 13

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