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a service of the Schenectady County Public Library
New York State Census Schedules for Schenectady County: 1835
This is a test page for the 1835 New York State Census. Information missing due to damage to the original records is marked with an asterisk.
If you're having trouble locating a name, try our census search engine.
- Book 1 Page 1 — [Image left side 1x | 4x] — [Image right side 1x | 4x] — [Top of page]
- Fuller, * M. (#0001)
- Males: 4, Females: 7, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 2, Aliens: 2
- Females <45: 1, btw 16 and 45: 2, <16: 2
- Cattle: 1, Horses: 1, Hogs: 2
- Smith, * (#0002)
- Males: 1, Females: 4, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, btw 16 and 45: *, <16: 3
- Anthony, * (#0003)
- Males: 4, Females: 5, Eligible for Militia: 2, Voters: 2
- Females <45: 1, btw 16 and 45: 1, <16: 3
- Deaths: 1 Female
- Fuller, *m (#0004)
- Males: 1, Females: 3, Aliens: 1
- Females <45: 1
- Horses: 1, Hogs: 8
- Abbot, * (#0005)
- Males: 1, Females: 2, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1
- Ouderkerk, * (#0006)
- Males: 1, Females: 1
- Marriages: 1
- Gordon, *m (#0007)
- Males: 16, Females: 1, Aliens: 16
- Females <45: 1
- Hogs: 4
- McClay, *s (#0008)
- Males: 3, Females: 3, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, btw 16 and 45: *, <16: 2
- Births: 1 Female
- Peek, *nus H. [probably Harmanus] (#0009)
- Males: 1, Females: 3, Voters: 1
- Females btw 16 and 45: *, <16: 1
- Cattle: 3, Hogs: 2
- Buchanan, *ter [probably Peter] (#0010)
- Males: 2, Females: 2, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, btw 16 and 45: *
- Walley, Stephen S. (#0011)
- Males: 1, Females: 2, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 2, btw 16 and 45: *, <16: 1
- Manufactured Yards of Flannel/Woolen Cloth: 18
- White, Joseph (#0012)
- Males: 2, Females: 3, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, btw 16 and 45: *, <16: 2
- Births: 1 Female, Deaths: 1 Female
- Clews, *uel [probably Samuel] (#0013)
- Males: 3, Females: 4, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, btw 16 and 45: 1, <16: 2
- Proal, *d Mr. [perhaps Rev. Mr.?] (#0014)
- Males: 2, Females: 5, Voters: 1
- Persons of Color Not Taxed: 1
- Females <45: 1, btw 16 and 45: 1, <16: 3
- Deaths: 1 Female
- Horses: 1
- Yates, Nicholas (#0015)
- Males: 4, Females: 2, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, btw 16 and 45: 1
- Births: 1 Male
- Springer, *ron P. [perhaps Aaron] (#0016)
- Males: 3, Females: 2, Eligible for Militia: 3, Voters: 3
- Females <45: 1, <16: 1
- Hogs: 2
- Style, Josiah (#0017)
- Males: 3, Females: 3, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, btw 16 and 45: 2
- Robinson, John (#0018)
- Males: 3, Females: 2
- Females <45: 1, <16: 1
- Births: 1 Male
- Balchin, Thomas (#0019)
- Males: 1, Females: 2
- Females <45: 1, <16: 1
- Marriages: 1
- Van Debogart, *s (#0020)
- Males: 10, Females: 5, Eligible for Militia: 7, Voters: 5, Aliens: 1, Paupers: 1
- Females <45: 3, <16: 1
- Cattle: 1, Hogs: 5
- Van Vranken, * P. (#0021)
- Males: 3, Females: 2, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, <16: 1
- Births: 1 Male
- Manufactured Yards of Linen/Cotton/Thin Cloths: *
- Snell, * Jr. (#0022)
- Males: 1, Females: 3, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, <16: 2
- Marriages: 1
- Manufactured Yards of Linen/Cotton/Thin Cloths: *
- Stellman, * (#0023)
- Males: 7, Females: 4, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 2
- Females <45: 5, btw 16 and 45: 2, <16: 2
- Cattle: 1
- Manufactured Yards of Linen/Cotton/Thin Cloths: *
- Playford, *s (#0024)
- Males: 11, Females: 3, Eligible for Militia: 6, Voters: 3
- Females btw 16 and 45: 2, <16: 1
- Cattle: 1, Hogs: 5
- Manufactured Yards of Flannel/Woolen Cloth: 30
- Hagadorn, *an (#0025)
- Males: 1, Females: 1
- Females <45: 1
- Marriages: 1
- Vedder, *hel (#0026)
- Females: 2
- Females btw 16 and 45: 2
- Hill, *cy (#0027)
- Females: 1
- Gaw, * (#0028)
- Males: 2, Females: 2, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, <16: 1
- Births: 1 Male, Deaths: 1 Male
- Barhuydt, * [perhaps should be Barhydt] (#0029)
- Males: 4, Females: 4, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, <16: 3
- Births: 1 Male, Deaths: 1 Male
- Cattle: 1, Horses: 2, Hogs: 10
- *ker, * (#0030)
- Males: 4, Females: 2, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, <16: 1
- Hogs: 1
- Manufactured Yards of Linen/Cotton/Thin Cloths: *
- *anse, * (#0031)
- Males: 3, Females: 4, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, <16: 3
- Births: 1 Female, Deaths: 1 Female
- Acres of Improved Land: 2
- Cattle: 1, Horses: 2
- Manufactured Yards of Linen/Cotton/Thin Cloths: *
- *, * (#0032)
- Males: *, Females: 5, Eligible for Militia: *, Voters: 1, Aliens: *, Paupers: *
- Females <45: *, btw 16 and 45: *, <16: 3
- Births: 1 Female
- Manufactured Yards of Linen/Cotton/Thin Cloths: *
- Book 1 Page 2 — [Image left side 1x | 4x] — [Image right side 1x | 4x] — [Top of page]
- Winney, Giles (#0033)
- Males: 2, Females: 1, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 2
- Females <45: 1
- Wilson, Richard (#0034)
- Males: 1, Females: 1, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1, Aliens: 1
- Females <45: 1
- Births: 1 Male, Deaths: 1 Male
- Yates, Henry C. (#0035)
- Males: 2, Females: 2
- Females btw 16 and 45: 1, <16: 1
- Deaths: 1 Female
- Horses: 1
- Van Debogart, Francis (#0036)
- Males: 1, Females: 4, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, <16: 3
- Births: 1 Female
- Hagadorn, William I.? (#0037)
- Males: 2, Females: 6, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, btw 16 and 45: 1, <16: 4
- Fullegar, John (#0038)
- Males: 3, Females: 3, Aliens: 3
- Females btw 16 and 45: 2
- Walton, Jonathan (#0039)
- Males: 4, Females: 5, Eligible for Militia: 2, Voters: 3
- Persons of Color Not Taxed: 2
- Females <45: 3, btw 16 and 45: 2
- Horses: 2
- Manufactured Yards of Linen/Cotton/Thin Cloths: *
- Horsfall, Joseph (#0040)
- Males: 1, Females: 9, Voters: 1
- Females btw 16 and 45: 4, <16: 4
- Cattle: 1
- Manufactured Yards of Fulled Cloth: 14, Flannel/Woolen Cloth: 10, Linen/Cotton/Thin Cloths: *
- Peek, Harmanus (#0041)
- Males: 1, Females: 4, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, <16: 1
- Manufactured Yards of Linen/Cotton/Thin Cloths: *
- Davis, John (#0042)
- Males: 5, Females: 7, Eligible for Militia: 2, Voters: 3
- Females <45: 1, btw 16 and 45: 1, <16: 5
- Marriages: 1
- Cattle: 1
- Manufactured Yards of Linen/Cotton/Thin Cloths: *
- Henry, William (#0043)
- Males: 3, Females: 3, Eligible for Militia: 2, Voters: 2, Aliens: 1
- Females <45: 1
- Manufactured Yards of Linen/Cotton/Thin Cloths: *
- Lyon, Caleb (#0044)
- Males: 4, Females: 4, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 2
- Females btw 16 and 45: 3
- Chandler, Daniel (#0045)
- Males: 3, Females: 2, Voters: 2
- Females <45: 1
- Chandler, Obey [perhaps Obed?] (#0046)
- Males: 5, Females: 3, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, btw 16 and 45: 1, <16: 1
- Births: 1 Female
- Horses: 1
- Meeker, William (#0047)
- Males: 6, Females: 6, Eligible for Militia: 2, Voters: 3, Aliens: 1
- Females <45: 1, btw 16 and 45: 1, <16: 3
- Marriages: 1, Births: 1 Male
- Van Antwerp, Giles (#0048)
- Males: 2, Females: 5, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1, <16: 4
- Marriages: 1, Deaths: 1 Male
- Van Derhyden, David (#0049)
- Males: 1, Females: 1, Voters: 1
- Van Ingen, William (#0050)
- Males: 3, Females: 1, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <45: 1
- Breakfield, Samuel (#0051)
- Males: 1, Females: 1, Voters: 1
- Kittle, Sarah (#0052)
- Females: 3
- Females <16: 1
- Births: 1 Female, Deaths: 1 Female
- Rider, *cy (#0053)
- Males: 15, Females: 4, Eligible for Militia: 15, Voters: 7
- Females <45: 1, btw 16 and 45: 2, <16: 1
- Marriages: 1, Deaths: 1 Male
- Clute, * J. (#0054)
- Males: 2, Females: 3, Voters: 1
- Females btw 16 and 45: 1, <16: 1
- Cattle: 1
- Ronald?, *h (#0055)
- Males: 1, Females: 1, Aliens: 1
- Females <45: 1
- Vanderhyden, Gersham (#0056)
- Males: 1, Females: 1, Voters: 1
- Keys, Patrick (#0057)
- Males: 2, Females: 4, Aliens: 1
- Females <45: 1, <16: 3
- Births: 1 Female
- Cattle: 1, Hogs: 2
- Ovear?, Josiah (#0058)
- Males: 1, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Phelps, Salmon A. (#0059)
- Males: 1, Voters: 1
- Foote, Charles (#0060)
- Males: 1, Voters: 1, Aliens: 1
- Morgan, *s (#0061)
- Males: 1, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Abel, * (#0062)
- Males: 1, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Manufactured Yards of Linen/Cotton/Thin Cloths: *
- Peek, * (#0063)
- Males: 1, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Manufactured Yards of Linen/Cotton/Thin Cloths: *
- Hill, * P. (#0064)
- Males: 1, Eligible for Militia: 1, Voters: 1
- Females <16: *
- Manufactured Yards of Linen/Cotton/Thin Cloths: *
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